Jim Andre, City - Manager Februar 21, 1980
<br />FROM: Charles Honchell, Public Works Director c v )64+
<br />Leaf pickup Program
<br />Since the early 70's, when the PCA banned the burning of leaves, Roseville has
<br />provided free, at the curb, leaf pickup each spring and fall + The operation has
<br />groom considerably fry the early years when 5 nen and one machine worked appro i-
<br />te ly 3 wed each wing and 4 weeks each fall to serve about 3,,500 users.
<br />Today, to men and two machines work 4 weeks each spring and 7 weeks each fall to
<br />serve 6,400 users . The total cost of the program grew gradually to around
<br />$25,000 per year in the mid-1970's. In 1978 it was just under $30,000, These
<br />costs include all ,labor, overtirr�, fringe and overhead expenses, equipment charges,
<br />material and having the leaf recycling center open each satilyday and sunday in the
<br />spring and fall,
<br />By the late 1970 Is, however, a major prcblem problem was developing, The armunt of t m
<br />required to pickup the fall leaves was nuch longer than the period during which
<br />the leaves fell. 1978 saw almst 1/3 of the City left undone because of an early
<br />winter, A second machine was,, therefore, obtained and all stmt department mwl--
<br />assigned to a second crew to work on the program, This kept the program,
<br />the assigned schedule, but the schedule was still twice as long as the leaf fall
<br />period. Nwrous residents were upset that their leaves either fell after the
<br />cry picked up their area, or had to pile there at the curb and wait several
<br />weeks for their turn to cOm . This added Manpower and equipment naturally increased
<br />the costs of the program. 1979 saw 3,130 ran hours used at a total labor cost of
<br />$45,000, An additional $11,000 was spent on egui.pumt and n terial utilization
<br />The total cost was , therefore, $56,.000, of this amount $21,000 was for the spring
<br />program and $35400 for the fall. Assuming 6,400 parcels used the service, the
<br />cost was $3.27 per user in the spring and $5.47 per user in the fall.
<br />The program rewires a careful review because of three basic items
<br />Although , the manpower and. equipment were doubled in 1979, the level of
<br />service 1n the fall is unacceptable because it is twice as long as the
<br />leaf fall. period.
<br />The utilization of the entire stmt department personnel for l% of the
<br />year, to supply this single service is questionable; because other needed
<br />activities are not being accomplished, particularly in the spring.
<br />3 ) The expenditure o f 5 6 , o 0 0 of general fund revenue has reached the point
<br />where it is a significant unt of the street departmmts budget, and wi l l
<br />have to grow larger if the current system remains,
<br />Notwithstanding the problems involved, the fact still remains that a very large
<br />number of citizens have to dispose of their leaves and have beccm accustom d to
<br />a so-called "free" service by the city.
<br />In an effort to aid a review process of the situation, the following list of
<br />objectives to be achieved has been pre . others could be added, of course,
<br />and no attempt was made to assign more weight or
<br />A
<br />. g po to any particu] ar
<br />ob�ect�ve�
<br />