<br />Regular Meeting of the City Council - February 11, 1980, 7:30 P.M.
<br />The City ouncll met on the above date with the following
<br />Viers present: Acting Mayor rley, Councilmen Anderson,
<br />Franke and Kehr. Absent: Mayor Dernos,
<br />A -1 Kehr Moved, Anderson Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting bIN=
<br />of January 28,, 1980, be approved* Poll Call, Ayes: Anderson,
<br />Franke, Kehr and Curley. Nays: None,
<br />Kehr Moved , Franke Seconded, that the Council D oin the Actin PROCLAMATION
<br />Mayor in proclai rnin Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 22,
<br />3 and 24p 1980, as " amco Snowrrobiole Club Day" in the City of
<br />Roseville, Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Franke,. Kehr and Curley.
<br />Nays: None.
<br />B-1 Kehr Moved, Frame Seconded, that Sim Con (Red lobster) RM U)BSTER
<br />request for special use permit at 2330 Prior Avenue be approved.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Franke, Kehr and Curley, bays
<br />None.
<br />B-2 Kehr Moved, Frame Seconded,, that of Mexico, Inc, request OL NEXICo
<br />for special use permit at 1754 North Lexington Avenue be
<br />approved with the condition that no dancing be pern -&tted .
<br />Roll Cali., Ayes: Anderson, Franke, Fehr and Curley. Nays
<br />None,
<br />Kehr Moved, Anderson Seconded, that Building Block Nursery BUILDING BLOCK
<br />Schools and Day Care Centers request to amend the zoning ord- NiM ERY
<br />finance by adding day care centers as a special use in the B-2 SCHODIS
<br />zoning district be Tied.. Poll Call, Ayes:' Anderson, Kehr
<br />and Curley, Nays: Franke.
<br />1 Kehr Moved f Franke Seconded, that a Council. Work Session be WORK SF SIGN
<br />established for 5:30 P.M.# Monday, February 25, 1980 at the
<br />Roseville City Hall for the purpose of discussg items
<br />relating to liter operations, public works activities, school
<br />properties and recreation activities. loll Call, Ayes:
<br />Anderson,, Franke, Kehr and Curley. Nays : None.
<br />E -1 Anderson Moored, Fehr Seconded, that Barry o r Kara' s request RRY o
<br />for division of lot at 1830 and 1832 County Road D he approved.
<br />Roll, Call, Ayes: Anderson, Franke, Kehr and Curley,, Nays
<br />None.
<br />E -2 Curley Nbvedf Frame Seconded,, that the City of Roseville SPEED L A'S
<br />supports legislation which reduces the speed la.xnit on resi-
<br />dential streets from 30 nrph to 25 mph. Roll Call, Ayes
<br />Franke and Curley. Nays: Anderson and Kehr.
<br />.
<br />E -3 Fehr Moved, Anderson Seconded, that the City Attorney be PROPOSED
<br />instructed to prepare an ordinance regarding official holidays ORDINANCE
<br />for city employees, Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Pr'anke, Kehr
<br />and Curley. Nays: None.
<br />