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7 November 1979 <br />PLAWNING REPORT <br />CASE NUMBER: 79-1235 <br />APPLICANT: Graydon Nan <br />AT 100: Southwe �; t Co rn e r 0 f Cope Avenue and <br />Da to Street <br />ACTION QUESTED : ne-s t for Variance to Dens :it-Y <br />Requirements, Garage Requirement, and <br />Orb i na nce Disallowing Efficiency Apartzerits <br />PLANN1NG IT DMTIONS <br />The Rose tre a Apartmen ts biai It abo ut aigbt yea rs ago consist 0 f 4 5 units of <br />which 31 are one-bikVoom and 14 are two--bedrnom units, There are 46 <br />under<rround garages and 45 otit s ide parking stalls. The site con s i 5ts of <br />1.97 acres , or 85,613 sqe feet <br />They p ropos a tc) add an of f it: i ency tz i t wi thi n the exis ti nq striic ture on <br />ea ch of the tbrae f loon 5 o f t h e bu � I d i rq t The pi an 'f or the a f ik�ienvy <br />Unit JS att aCh <br />3. Also attached is a brief resume submitted by- the applicant ir4icating their <br />intent and the data relating to the density x "i rem is and parking <br />cotid i -t i ons . You will note f ram the data presented it� the E; econd page of <br />the attached she et a r tb at the apaTtlnent is primarily crccupied by the <br />elderly. 19 percent of the occTapants are un&:�! r 55 years old, w.1 th those <br />55 to 70 yearn old comprising 53 percent of the oc panc , 28 pe rc -ept <br />is over 70 years old. Urkder these < ;ond a.ti o;iz + the aw m t Q f parking n e odoA <br />within the structure is far leu}5 than that of an apartnent occupiea by a <br />more representative cros z section of ages. <br />4. As yoti c)Ws. MOSt NeA iO r C:iti7,9n housing projects inc li;0p, a cow Jdarab le <br />number of efficiency Oiir Ord inane-e gaverniiRg multi l e <br />development (aparlment� does not allow efficiencies. Wo siagge s t that <br />the Planning mmmi si on recd end to the Council that th l s part of the <br />Ordinance be dal ate . Thy actual variance to the density would b6 some <br />6,987 square feet, inasmuch as tb�r a would be no add it inn to the <br />btl i ld i ng , and in View of tha fact that there is more than adequate parking, <br />it appear that the addt ion o f the three i to with in ' <br />the ex x s t i rig st ru c Lure wed cons t i tute no problem The ac t lion the <br />Planning C a. s s i on and Council might c�..,�; Jder then. 's as f a l lows <br />a. Am the Ordinance to allow efficxle�ncy units in the <br />rvultiple district. <br />All %1 6,987 nq r a foot var Y canc a in dens .Ity t <br />irl , Allow a variance of two garage units providing for 46 <br />garages ia-�;tead of 48. <br />