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AC4FE N DA 5 EC'FC ON <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCL-ACTION <br />OR VEMAT ING 0-E P r. / LEI V_ : <br />J�F_P( AXD RECOMME11DATIMS PUB C WORKS <br />TIM NO,-' I T F � DF;5CR1PYION' COUNTY DITCH NO . 4 SOUTH OF LYDI A, <br />to 'I NI'M ANC F P R 0 JEC T <br />r -rr <br />ME! ET ENG <br />DAT EM <br />191 <br />T1 <br />D P'C 1FI E AD 4 PPROVAL _ <br />MGR_ FEE V1 F ED/ AECOM WrE Nay 0. <br />The property owii crs along the we-stern tern bank Df Cc, Ditch 64 from Lydia su uth to <br />Co. Rd. C-2 have burin e per i Enci ng flooding pr ob 1 ems -for several years. A Major, <br />contributor to this pr nbl em is the Fact that the dY tcb has over th-e time become <br />partly 'filled and has considerable vegatati on and tree growth hi ch greatly rE!-- <br />du ce s its* capacity to carry the storm water. The cri g i n al design was for 12' <br />bate -om with 1 on 2 s 1 opus and in many cases 5 this has been na r rowfz�d to only 2 or <br />3 feet i n bottom width. <br />With U2 cr eat %-n a r the Rice Creek Watershed District; jurisdiction for this <br />County Ditch, as well as all others, went to tho Watershed District, Several <br />d cu s ions and meetings have occurred on this problem over the past few years, <br />but the waters hid did not want to have any work done until the i mpr nvements <br />downstream toward Lake Johanna and further r- on towards I -ong Lake were accomp1 i shed <br />W th the acquisition o f a federal grant, th ese Improvements is are now el then cGmi - <br />pl a ted or progr dmrr;eci . Thy i s portion of Co. Ditch #4 was also requested for in- - <br />cl us ion an the federal grant program, but unfortunately, did not tern 7p part of <br />1 t IN <br />In recent months, several discussions have been held with Gna r ge Di mke , who is a <br />merri-he r o f7 th e Rice Creek Board of Ma na -ger s , i n - hn attempt to f.wnd some sn l rats c�h <br />to - hm l p t h ass pro. L?- ty owi kern along the west bank tD the ditch. It wa 5 conc l-uded <br />that perhaps join-11y, th n situation ml g hit be improved thr ou h the wat� rs h -ed sup- <br />Li <br />�� i ng some funding and Rn rev i l l e _'Upp l yi nq the Ma I pGwer' to do the work. Accor-d- <br />i ng 1 y , RDs ev i l l e' s engineering depa r~tmE!n t surveyed the ditch and has prepared red a <br />pro -1 i rn i na ry design for r ecuns Lr uct i nq the ditch. This design would result in a <br />14-foot w i do bottom with 1 on ? slope. F ven with this, however � approximately <br />homes would still receive periodic fl ands nc be taus o of the d2p th of the water <br />that would be coming through the di tch T A dike, th e r afo r'p , I's proposed to be <br />wrist r acted al onu the we � t bank ad j a cent to these homes with an outlet pipe which <br />the property per'ty uwrr��'s '���r��I 1 � open following the large ra i ri fal l s . Because of the <br />rather i ntefl Se tree planting that has incurred near, the d i c h Doh the west side, <br />it would be very helpful if the Wi dery i Pg COU 1 d GCcur toward the cast where Pau 1 s <br />Place and Eoun tr y Kitchen exists. The r epresentat l yns of Pa ul s Place have been <br />contacted and have agrcod to the dedication of the casement, as well as a temnar ary <br />construction vas nmen ',', . Car tarts havE been made with the Country Kitchen owner- <br />ships but it is not known what will resu T t from a mee Li ny with them sch2dal ed for <br />Monday, as far, as their r ag r~ ping to a similar 15 -rout easernen t coat ri hu ti DT1 IN <br />A mect i ng was held approximately an a week ago with all the property awnnr s along <br />this s oct i on c� U i tc h I and there was urn ami noun agreement are th a proposed ma i � te- <br />nan ce project. In add i t on tD the eas anent from Country i tch cn , however, , some <br />uncertainties still have to be n ver comp. One i5 that the only realistic time frame <br />to accomplish this project in the near future i's fur+ the c i ty forces to do t hE <br />work beg i nni ny the first week in f)e cer be r4. Be fD -re that t jMC } they would still he <br />picking up leaves or working on a major sanitary sevier~ r e- construstian which qs <br />necessary on Wert 01.�ia5 s o Boulevard. 1,a ter- in thq_ year, the frost bul 1 du p in the <br />