0- 3 Curley MDmd j, Anderson seconded, that Craig Hanson, s regInst
<br />for division of lot, relocation of dwelling and variance to
<br />S yard setback at 1898 Chatsworth be approved, poll Call,
<br />Ayes: Franker Anderson,, Curley and Dems, Nays: None,
<br />B-4 Kehr Nbvedr. Anderson seconded,, that Sam Cave,s request for
<br />rezoning fram R-1 to R-2 and R-4,r special use pern-ft and pre-
<br />imuumT plat at 2496 Fairview,, 1754 Brocks,, 1742 and 1753
<br />Bruce and 2480 thru 2496 Wheeler be denied, Boll Call, Ayes:
<br />Kehr, Franke, Anderson and Demos. Nays: Curley.
<br />B-5 Anderson Mbvediv Franke Seconded, that David Burroff"s applJ.-
<br />catim for on7sale and special Sunday liquor licenses at 2295
<br />RiOe Street be aPproved,, Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr Franke,,
<br />Anderson,, Curley and Dexm, Nays: None.,
<br />C-1 Franke Nbvedo, AndersOn Secondede that a special Council
<br />meeting be established for wednesdayr. October 24, at 5:00 Pm
<br />ING
<br />in the City Hall for the purpose of canvass=g the prMTary
<br />election,, Roll Callr, Ayes: Kehr,, Franker Anderson.
<br />. Curley
<br />and Demos, Nays: None,
<br />Franke 1�bvedr AndersOn Secondedt that a special Council
<br />rreeting be established fOr Wednesday, Novenber 7. at 5:00 PM
<br />in the City Hall for the purpose of canvassJ-ng the regular
<br />electim. Roll Call, Kehr, Franke, Anderson, Curley and Dmros.
<br />Nays: None,
<br />