140 lw�� *Wt WEP
<br />Regular Meeting Of the CItY ColincIl - Septenber 24, 1979.
<br />The City Council rret on, the above date with the follow ing
<br />Em-mbers present: Mayor Dams j, Councilmen Curley Kehr
<br />Franke and Anderson.0
<br />A-1 Curley Nbved, Franke Seconded, that the minutes of the
<br />rreeting of Sepbmber 10,, 1979, be approved. Roll call,
<br />Ayes: Curley, Kehr,, Franker Anderson and Dems, Ibys: None.
<br />C-1 Kehr Moved, Curley Seconded., that the regular Comcil neetint
<br />dates for the rezainder of 1979 be establaLshed as follows:
<br />October 1 and 15; lSbvenber 5 and 19; 3 and 17, Poll
<br />Call, Ayes: Curley, M=,r Franke,, Anderson and Derros, Nays:
<br />None.
<br />Rr-I Anderson Moved,, Franke Seconded, that Roger Davidson's
<br />request for minor variance to side yard setback at 1275 Nbs
<br />Shryer Avenue be approved., Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Kehr,
<br />Franke, Anderson. and Eleum. Nays: Nione. I
<br />E-2 Curley Nbved,, Kehr Seca-ded,, that Michael HS&S ralmst
<br />0 2
<br />for nunor variance to s yard setback at 2242 Nancy Place
<br />be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: C�urley,, Kehr, Frw*e, Anderson
<br />and Dems. Nays: None.
<br />r ley i S requ� t
<br />�-�-3 Yahr WAred, Curley seconded, that Harold DdrL
<br />for ndmr variance to side yard se at 1170 Oakcrest be
<br />approved, Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Kehr, Franke, Anderson
<br />and Ekm#. Nayse. None.
<br />E-4 Anderson mved, Franke Seconded, that Terrenoe Duffyis
<br />request for minor varianoe to s yard setback at 1267
<br />Rose Place be approved, Fb11 Call,, Ayes: Curley, Kehr.,
<br />Franke a, Anderscn and De=s,, Nays: Ncne .
<br />FZ-5
<br />Kehr Nbved, Franke Seomx-ied, that Rd3ert Covert, S request
<br />0
<br />for nd-nor variance to side yard setback at 1276 County Road
<br />B be approved, Roll Callo Ayes: Curley,, Kehr., Franke,,
<br />Anderson and Dews. Nays: Ncne.
<br />4
<br />Kehr Nbved, Franke Seconded, that Manas Krejci's request
<br />for minor variance to side yard setback and building pe=dt
<br />as provided by the lakeshore zcning ordinance at 639 Heinel
<br />Drive be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Kehr, Franke,
<br />Anderson and Dems. Nays: None.
<br />P�-6 Kelm Moved, Curley Secankledi, that Northwestern College's
<br />request to extend the variance which would pexn-dt five
<br />students to res in a two bedrom apartment at 2815 thru
<br />2845 Pascal Avenue until August 31, 1980, be approved. Rol
<br />Call, Ayese Curley,, Kehr, Franker Anderson and Dm-os, Nays
<br />None. 1
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