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<br />Regular Meeting of the City Council - Ncvent)er 13, 1978-:
<br />The City Ccnmcil rmt on the above date with the follawint
<br />E-t-anbers present: Myor Derros, Councilnen Andersm, Kehr,
<br />Curley and Franke.
<br />A-1 Anderson -Moved, Kehr Seccmded, that the ninutes of the rreeting
<br />of Octcber 23, 1978, be Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson,
<br />6
<br />Kehr, Curley and Dems. Nays: None. Abstention: Franke.
<br />Ccnmcilnm Franke abstained as she was absent frcffn the meeting,;
<br />Curley N3mdr Kehr Seconded, that Country ]Kitchen's request
<br />for rezon:L"ng fran R-6 to B-2 and divisicn of lot at 2257 Rio=w
<br />Street be continued mtil the Ctnmcil neeting of Decenter 18,
<br />1978o Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Kehr, Curley, Franke and
<br />Denns, Nays: None.
<br />B;--2 Anderson Mbved, Franke Secmded, that Resolution No. 6743
<br />CP
<br />ving David Wbstlund's request for final plat at 3051 Old
<br />Highway 8 be adopted, R.bll Call,, Ayes: Anderson, Kehr, Curley,
<br />Franke and Dmms. Nays: None.
<br />B-3 Kehr Moved, Anderson Seconded, that Carl Wepgerls request for
<br />final plat at 2941 North Victoria be continued to the Council
<br />I
<br />meetdng of Decemt)er 4, 1978. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Kehr,
<br />Curley,, Franke and Dems, Nays: Nme,
<br />B-4 Curley Moved, Kehr Secmded, that Fine Associates request
<br />for f 1 plat at 2660 North Snelling Avmue be c-cntinued
<br />until the neeting of Decenber 4, 1978. Poll Call, Ayes:
<br />Anderson, Kehr, Curley, Prarke and Dmms, Nays: Nme,.
<br />C-1 Anderson Nbved, Kehr Seccnded, that the regular Nbveniber 27,
<br />Council nnet:Ing be cancelled that the meetings for Decanber
<br />be rer-scheduled fran Decenber 11 and 25., to December 4 and-18,
<br />Poll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Xehr, Curley, Franke and Dwm,
<br />Nays: None
<br />Franke Moved, Curley Seconded, that the request fran the Old
<br />Rose Tc��,p Historical Society regarding relocating the barn
<br />be continued. Roll Call, Ayes: Werscn, W=,, Curley, Franke
<br />and Demos,. Nays so, None .
<br />0-1 Curley Mmied, Kehr Seconded, that a public he ng be est-
<br />ablished on Long Cadillac's request for rezoning from B-1-B
<br />to B-3 and special use permit at 1965 STH 36 for Decenber 4,
<br />1978. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Rehr, Curley, Franke
<br />Demos, Nays: Nme.
<br />B-2 Kehr Mved, Anderson Seconded, that Sam Cave's request to
<br />withdraw his letter regarding his property cn Wbodbr�dge Avenue
<br />be Roll Call,, Ayes: Anderscn,, Kehr, Curley, Frar*e
<br />Dems,, Nays: None*
<br />Effimum
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