2 U - March 26, 1979a 7:30 P.m.
<br />of the City Councl
<br />The City Council mt on the above date With the following
<br />Lreirbers present: Mayor Dems, Councilnen ]Franke, Kehr,
<br />Curley and Anderson,
<br />A-1 Curley bbved, Kehr Seccmded, that the minutes of the regula.r DUN=
<br />nneeting of Maxch 12jr 1979, be approved. IblI Call, Ayes:
<br />M
<br />Franke,, Kehr, Curley, Anderson and DmrG. Nays.. None,
<br />C-1 Curley bbved, Anderson Seconded, that Carolyn Cush' ADVISOIRY
<br />Ingir
<br />George Jobnson and Mark Mastel be re-appointed to the cKkMSSICNS
<br />RoseVille Planning Carinission for 1 four year term
<br />10 a
<br />expir=g N�Lrch 31j, IL983,o Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Kehr,
<br />CurleY,r Anderson and Demos, Nays: NoneO
<br />Ke-hr Nbvedr Franke Seconded, that Ann Berry., Jackie Hays
<br />and Donald Zalk be re7appointed to the Pzos " lie Hunm picjht,
<br />ev:L
<br />Conmission for 1 three year te= expiring March 31, 1982,
<br />]Roll Call, Ayes: Franke., Kehr., Curley,, Anderson and E)E�.
<br />Nays: None .
<br />Anderson Nbved,, Curley Seconded, that Don Nbrkel and Robert
<br />e W
<br />Vninga be re-appointed to the Roseville Parks and Recreati
<br />Comnittee for 1 three year terms expira'ng March 31,, 1982,e
<br />Roll Call,, Ayes: Franke, Kehrr CurleyF Anderson and Dem:�s.
<br />Nays -. None. I
<br />Franke Nbved, Ke-hr Seconded, that Joyce Seaberg be re-
<br />appointed to the RoseVille Parks & Recreation Com-Littee
<br />0 to
<br />for a full three year term expiring March 31, 19824 Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Franke,, Kehr, Curley, Anderson and Dmm, Nays--.1
<br />None,
<br />Franke Nbved,, Kehr Seconded., that Jean S, Wbston, 969 Mst
<br />Roselawn,, be appointed to the lbseville Parks and Recreation
<br />a a
<br />Conatittee for a two year tenn expiring Mazrh 31, 1981. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Franke, Kehr, Curley-, Anderson and Dems. Nays.-
<br />[Sbne. 0
<br />That the final dra.Jnage plan be approved by thi
<br />PublJ_c Works Director
<br />That the bui be ccnstructed using earth tons
<br />color break-off cement blocks.
<br />