[OWAIKO)WO - , m1hpi..
<br />L%59A= Meeting of the City Council - May 21, 1979, 7:30 P.Me
<br />The City Council rret on the above date with the following
<br />nxmters present: Mayor Derros, Councilmen Curley,, Kehr and
<br />Anderson. Absent: Councilnon. Franke.
<br />A-1 Curley �bved, Kehr Seconded, that the remutes of the neeting NINUTES
<br />of M y 14y 1979, be approvea, Boll Call, Ayes: curley, Kehr,
<br />Anderson and Dems, Nays.* None,
<br />FIL, - 1 Anderson Moved., Y%ehr SecondedF that Resolution No., 6818 RESOLUTIM
<br />ordering Irproverent. STL-W-P-SW-79-4, Snelling and County NO* 6818
<br />Road C-2 area, and authorizing the preparation of final plans
<br />be adoPted, Roll Call., Ayes: Curley, Kehr, Anderson and
<br />Dews, Nays: None.
<br />Anderson Nbved, Kehr Seconded, that Resolution No. 6819 FTMLUTICN
<br />approving the plans for the construction of the service NO. 6819
<br />road on the east side of Snelling Avenue fran 250' north of
<br />County Pbad C-2 to 13201 south of County Road C-2 be adopted,
<br />Rall Call, Ayes: Curley, Kehr, Anderson and Derros. Nays:
<br />None.,
<br />Anderson Nbved, Kehr Seconded, that the City be authorized AGPEEMENT
<br />to enter into a corporative agreemnt with the state to have
<br />them achI-eve the cmstruction of said project 6216-83
<br />also knom as City Project 79-4, subject to review by the City
<br />Attorney. Poll Call, Ayes: Curley, Kehr, Anderson and Dems.
<br />Nays: None.
<br />E-3 Kehr Nioved, Anderson Seconded,, that John Andres request for JOHN ANDRES
<br />minOr Variance to side ya-rd setback at 1230 Josephine Road
<br />be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Kel=r Anderson and
<br />Demos. Nays: None,
<br />F-r-4 Curley �bved, Kehr seconded, that the revisions to -the M'tE IMF mc,
<br />Conffbin,, Inc. site plan as shmm on the plans dated YbY 1.4j,
<br />1979, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Curleyi, Kehrr Anderson
<br />and Dems. Ways: None.
<br />