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MEETING <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE",. 6-25-79 <br />=.NDA SECTION : ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV.: DEPT: AD APPROVAL. <br />Ports & Recayrenclations Adm <br />IT E N1 N 0 . r_ [ i r; el irmnary Application for IMCUN Grant- MGRF REVIEW"ED/ RECOMMENDS <br />Ianc ton Like , <br />In pterb r, 1977 the City was award. a I �TM grant in the ammt of <br />$100,000 for acquisition of property in connection with the Chatsworth Park <br />site, The City was to provi& mtching f tends <br />At its regular meting of Fully 2A, 1978, the Comcil decided to on this <br />proposed acquisition and inst u tsd the City Wmger to cook into " . -, other possible <br />uses for this rrnls . <br />At its regular meeting of September 25, 1978, the Council authorize. the City <br />Manager to attempt to have the Chatsworth grant rr+oney applied to acquisition of <br />property adjacent to Langton Take, This atternpt was re j eoted and the money was <br />returned to IMUM. <br />The City has received a rest to submit a prel application for LPZqCW <br />grant funds for FY 1980. It is propose, that a new applil'ation be stetted for <br />acquisition of land adjacent to Langton Lake. 'Ibis would be for the property south <br />of County Road C-2. and west of Langton Lake, as previously discs the Council., <br />Final application would be in I oer er after approval of the prel ` application. <br />Council Action Pequosted t Notion authorizing the city Manager <br />to re application for <br />LAVUW grant funds to acquire Langton <br />Lake propertv <br />