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Used Terms and Definition( <br />Irdinance N law enacted by the -r.mi 4 ciwal governing body, <br />Resolution Fom. al declaration of a sDecific action Pertaining to a snecific set of <br />circuwstances <br />Rezoning Change in the zoning classification of a parcel of lancl reqU3-rJLng public hear- <br />09 I'A res <br />ings before the Plamning Commiss 'ion and Council. (CoLmcil <br />4/5 majority). <br />Building Pe-rmit issued by the City allowing the Tece!)ient to- cmstruct or remodel a <br />Perstit structure which conforas idth the code. <br />Special Use Land use allowed in a particular zonJng classification but requiring a permit <br />which may be issued after public hearings before the Planning, Commission and thl <br />Council. <br />Vari-ance A deviation from code requirements when there are practical difficulties or <br />unusual hardships in carrying out the provisions of the zoning code. <br />Minor A deviation -from code requirerients in regards to front, side or rear yard setbacks <br />Variance in R-I and R-2 zoning districts, <br />WiLte Plan Draiving or diagram showirkg- all -dh.-Ysical facilities on a parcel of land includinO <br />building, Parking areas., landscapJaig, access, etcb I <br />