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AGENDA SECTION'. <br />Reports and RecomTne-ndatjons <br />ORIGINATING MEPT./DW.'. <br />F in an ce <br />ITEM NO.: TITEM DESCRiPTION. <br />1978 On Sale Malt Beverage License Penewals <br />MEETING 6/26/78 <br />DATE: <br />1EPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />The following organ], zat -ions have, applied -for renewal o_f their on-s-al• <br />Malt Beverage license. The Chiel' of Po-lice has reviewed the applicants-, <br />and finds no -reason wl,,.y the licens,,,.-h should not be renewed. <br />Ace' s 66 <br />1912 North Lexington Ave. <br />Mack Hotel., Inc. <br />18-31 W. Cournty Road A <br />Midland Hills Country clu4 <br />2001 Fulham St, <br />Rieschl's <br />2393 Rice Streel <br />I L <br />UaSenorita <br />1961 Rice Street <br />COLNJUL ACTION REQUESTED: Motion (approving)(denying) reneival of t1le ()n�sale, <br />malt bevexae license for Ace's 66 Mack Hotel. <br />C-10 1� <br />R <br />Midland g <br />Hills Country Club, i 3 eschl's and LaSenoxita. <br />