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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />P <br />7/10/73 <br />DEPT. 14EAD APPROVAL. <br />MGR. REVIEWED/ RECOMMEND <br />I <br />The COUnci I recently accepted the feasibilituy studies for three improvemlen, <br />projects andestablished public hearings for these improvements. <br />I The mayor calls the hearing by announcing the name aod number <br />of the project. P-78-3, UL-78-13, SS-W-ST-P-73- .e lfow <br />(2) The mayor requests presentation of legal notice by the manager. <br />(3) The pub I i c wo rks d it r p r um y of the nat ure of <br />the i mp rovemen t a r%--.!a i n vo I ved. <br />(4) The fiscal agent presents a summary- of the. financ ing, assess- <br />ments and costs. <br />(5) The nianage r reads the s t a tem, t s f rem the a f f ected c 'I t i zen s I n <br />regard to the project. <br />(6) The mayor opens the hearing to the public. Each speaker is re- <br />quired to identify himself and the street address of the proerty to which he <br />is referring. <br />(7) The mayor closes the hearing. <br />(8) Council action on each improvement. <br />Council (orders) (denies) (continues) 'improwment for e-ach. The <br />resolutione.a� are prepared by the fiscal agent. <br />a <br />