U-2 Anderson Moved, Curley Seconded, that Nicholas Ehsrude,s MICHOIAG
<br />6 0
<br />request for minor variance to a yard setback at 894 Transit ENDRUDE
<br />Avenue be approved . Poll Call, Ayes Anderson, Franke, Curley.,
<br />Kehr and Demos,, Mays 2. None,
<br />E-3 Anderson Moved, Curley Seconded, that George 13"-ng's request GNORM
<br />B 9
<br />,or minor variance to side yard setback at 2835 Fernnood Street REILING JRs
<br />be approved. Roll Call, Ayesv,,,& Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kahr
<br />and Demus,, Nays: None ,
<br />E-4 Curley Moved Kehr Seconded, that the City Manager be authorized ANENDW9T TO
<br />to Sign an amendment to the 1978-79 contract with international CNIONCONTRACT
<br />Cperating Engineers Local 49, providing for a uniform allowance.
<br />Poll Call . Ayes: Azzlerson., Franke, - Curley. Kehr and Demos,,
<br />Says: None.
<br />E-5 Curley Moved, Franke Seconded,, that the Mayor and City Manager
<br />a
<br />be authorized to sign the agreement with the State Planning
<br />GIANT
<br />Agency for the Central Park Tennis Court Grant. Sell Call. Ayes.
<br />Anderson, Frankei CurleYr Fehr and Dem0sc, NaYS00 None.
<br />Curley Movedr Anderson Seconded, that the City Manager be
<br />authorized to proceed with the sale and removal of the city-
<br />HOUSES
<br />owned houses at 2477 and 2511 Victoria, Roll call, Ayes,*
<br />Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kehr and Demos, Days: None,,
<br />"-6 Anderson Noved, Franke Semnded,, that the City Manager be
<br />CSTA. GTAW
<br />authorized to sign an agreement with Rawsay County CNTA regard-
<br />ing the Deforestation Pro3ect in Central park, poll Callt Ayes,
<br />Anderson, Franke, Curley,, Kehr and Demos, Mays,,, Gone.,
<br />Er-7 Curley Mm7ed,, Yehr Seconded, that the proposed increase in fines
<br />for misdemeanor " lotions be approved and that t
<br />V101 he proposed
<br />FISH
<br />Ordinance be Placed on the July 10, 1978 agenda for final con.
<br />sideration. Roll Callf Ayest Anderson, Franke, Curley, I Kehr
<br />and Dews., Days: None.
<br />B-10 Anderson Moved, Fehr Seconded, that renewal of the on-sale CN-SALE
<br />malt beverage licenses for Ace's 66t Mack Hotel, Midland Hills OWLT
<br />Country Clubj, Rieschl's Tavern and LaGencrita, be approved,
<br />Roll Call, Ayes.: Anderson,, Franke, Curley, Kahr and Demos, LICENSES
<br />0
<br />Nays . None
<br />I
<br />E-11 Kehr Moved, Curley Seconded,, that the licenses be approvad,,,, T..T=ES
<br />poll It Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kehr and Davos., Noys:
<br />None .
<br />