B-6 Anderson Moved, Ftranike Sacmded, that Fine Assocciates hearing
<br />on final plat at 2660 Shelling Averwk.), be continued untj".1 the.
<br />OCAMCil meeting Of Septsffber 11,, 197"Bo Roll Call, Ayes: Curley,
<br />Kehr , Andexamn, Pzanke and Dems, . Days -.o None .
<br />h, Kehr Moved,, Franke Secandede that Jean ParrantalB zequest, for
<br />final plat at 2850 Fairview Avenue be covitinued until the useting
<br />of July 24, 1978a Poll Call, Ayeso. cux--].py. 1wir, Aajexs=F
<br />Franke and Demos, NayE-W, Noma
<br />Curley Mimed, Rehr Sscorided,, that the 10 foot drainage easemmt
<br />located on the South 5 feet of Lots 5 and 80, Block 3,, and the.
<br />North 5 feet of Lots 6 and 7� Black 3p Sdmddt�s Hanaine Heights
<br />NO. 2, as shcwm an the reccrded plat be relsaead,. Holl Call,
<br />d
<br />Ayes,; Cbrley, Kehr,, Anderwano Franke. arxi Esmics,
<br />c Heya Dous o
<br />go
<br />E-6 CUr]-eY Mvedj? Kehr Seconded,, that a Public hearing be est-
<br />ablished for August 14,, 19780, cri, last rrmtierus request, for
<br />co-eale liquor license at, 2191 NAC�rth Snelling Avenue. Roll,call,
<br />Ayes.-, Curley, Kehre Anderson, Pranke and Banns. Neyse. None,
<br />WASH
<br />