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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 03/28/05 <br />Minutes - Page 4 <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested the following corrections: <br />· Page 5, Public Comments, Joe Machyowsky <br />o Correct to read: <br />Mr. Machyowsky expressed his frustration as a <br />taxpayer with the OVAL's huge financial drain <br />on the City budget, when other budget cutbacks <br />were required. Mr. Machyowsky Frustratea <br />taIi:~ayer 1088 0f ffl0nie8; 813€aking a8 frtl8tratea <br />opined that the facility was a luxury serving a <br />few people, and that the City could no longer <br />afford to keep it running." <br />· Page 16, Public Comments, Carol Kough, 2nd <br />paragraph: <br />o Correct to read: <br />"Council consensus was that proposed ordinance <br />language includes appointment of an <br />independent hearing officer, with no further <br />suggestions for staff, prior to presentation of the <br />proposed ordinance as a future City Council <br />action item." <br />· Page 19, last full paragraph <br />o Spelling correction of City Manager Beets' <br />name. <br />· Page 21, , "Update and Discussion on Pending <br />Twin lakes Litigation, and Payment of <br />Attorney's Fees" <br />o Correct to read: <br />"Councilmember Ihlan noted that, at the last <br />regular City Council meeting during Check <br />Register Approval, she had questioned 8e','eral <br />~\ttomey fee8 relatea to whether [attorney fees <br />related to Twin Lakes negotiations] ~ would <br />be charged against future Tax Increment <br />Financing (TIF) funds.. .." <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Schroeder, Ihlan, Kough and Maschka. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />Consider Consent Items <br /> <br />Consider Consent <br />Items <br />