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<br />City Council Study Session - 03/21/05 <br />Minutes - Page 14 <br /> <br />Councilmember Schroeder provided input from his involvement <br />with this topic at a recent retreat; noting the city advantages <br />internally; right-of-way issues; and infrastructure maintenance <br />considerations. Councilmember Schroeder noted the need for a <br />market analysis; and opined his openness to this progressive <br />technology. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka noted the incredible capital required to <br />approach such an opportunity; and supported coalitions of cities <br />and/or suburbs to make it more cost-effective. <br /> <br />Discussion included economies of scale and size of market; <br />public/private partnerships; construction of a private fiber <br />network; at cost or for profit potential and philosophy; <br />depreciation; upfront costs; implications of wireless; liability and <br />security issues; existing and pending litigation related to <br />restricting and/or limiting municipalities in this area; <br />connectivity and topography concerns with wireless <br />communication; and managed steps in initiation of a project. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned City Attorney Hedtke on legal <br />regulations; and status of public utility or communications <br />compames. <br /> <br />City Attorney Hedtke addressed municipal utility status (i.e., <br />water, sewer) that would not be governed by the Public Utilities <br />Commission. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing sought Council consensus on how to direct staff <br />to proceed. <br /> <br />Further discussion included consulting fees; <br />industrial/commercial class offerings at a higher speed, with <br />residential service a slightly slower speed for marketing <br />techniques to meet demand; and whether internal systems would <br />prove more useful, rather than a more expansive network. <br /> <br />Mr. Miller concluded that Council direction appeared to be that <br />staff continue research internally at this time; attempt to frame <br />philosophical issues; and provide the Council with general ideas <br />on how a municipal network may look and operate. <br />