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<br />#/:) <br /> <br />E. If fewer applications are received than twice the number of openings, <br />the City Council may establish a new application deadline and Council <br />Meeting for interviews. If a new deadline is adopted, the vacancy will be <br />re-advertised as described in "B" above. <br /> <br /> <br />F. Applicants will be interviewed by the City Council. The Chair and Vice <br />Chair of the Commission to which the applicant is seeking appointment <br />will be invited to attend and participate in the interview process. A <br />minimum of five members of the Interview Team must participate in the <br />interview process. Interviews are open to the public. <br /> <br /> <br />G. If a new vacancy occurs after an application deadline and before an <br />appointment is made, a new application process will be used as <br />described in this procedure. <br /> <br /> <br />H. The City Council will make the appointments at the first Council <br />meeting following interviews. <br /> <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />I. Advisory Commission applications shall be kept on file for one year. If <br />during that year a vacancy occurs on any Commission, all applicants will <br />be advised of the vacancy in writing. <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br />If a current Commission member's term is expiring and is eligible for <br />reappointment, the following procedure will qe used. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />A. No later them sixty (60) days prior: to the expiration of a term, each . <br />., (. corrirni;~sion memb~r whose term is expiring ;~shall' b~; yontacted in: writing <br />and directe~ to complete a written application for. reappoil),tment if they <br />desire to be reappointed. For persons seeking reappointment, the" <br />Council shall be advised of the attendance record of the individual whose <br />term is expiring. The Council will also be provided with written <br />comments from the Chairperson of the Commission regarding the <br />reappointment of the individual. At that time, the Council will consider <br />whether to interview the commissioner; if two councilmembers request, a <br />commissioner seeking reappointment will be scheduled to attend an <br />interview before the entire Council. <br /> <br />B. Should the Council determine that the individual merits <br />reappointment, .that person will be reappointed. <br /> <br />C. Should the incumbent not wish to be reappointed or should the <br />Council determine that the individual does not merit reappointment, the <br />Council will follow the procedure for filling vacancies as described in I. <br />above. <br /> <br />3 <br />