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5 . Tie STz`�.'� E will discontinue the issuance of licenses, the revo- <br />cation of limoses , 'the conduct of hearings or initiation of Court actions., <br />f <br />or other enforce=ment actions under Rinnesota Statutes, - Ciapter 157. The <br />giATE will discontinue all inspection activity except the .inspection <br />activity re fired. in Section 6. T-he STAf- E will provide orlentati..on and <br />consultation on problems , or other supportive services for the staff of the <br />CITY. ,Le STATE Taill provide consultation and advice on rules promulgated <br />by the STATE w,i*) are to be enforced by the CITY. <br />6. The STATE shall retain the basic respons ibi.l. it for an annual reviog <br />of the ITy!, S - program to its continued conplianoe with this gre ent <br />Said annual review criteria shall include average establishment de-fferit score, <br />interpretation of rcquirents, administrative procedures (coleteness of <br />records, frequency of inspection, and enforceuent procedures) , staff training, <br />industry training, program support, plan review, and supportive facilities <br />and measures (laboratoz-y facilities ies and. services, field eguipmnt , preparedness <br />for food borne disease outbreaks) + Any deficiencies in the CITY t S program <br />shall be reported to the CTI v The acceptable standard for the C='S <br />performance Will be the level of inspection and service performed by the STATE <br />during the preceding five ears in these hies not. agreements <br />rrade under Minnesota Statutes Section 145.03. <br />7. The CITY shall. provide sanitarians in at list the ratio of one per <br />400 licenses establi.shwents to carry out the provisions of this Agreement <br />.A Food Servioe Sanitation Spey Officer oertified by the U. S, Depart mint Of <br />Health, Education and Welfare shall determine ne i f the CITY'S sanitarians are <br />qualified. <br />B . , The CITY will adopt or cause to be adopted regulations and/or <br />ordinances equal to the requirenents of Mimesota Statutes Chapter 147 and <br />State des go _g the subject matter of Amesota Statutes, Chapter 157, <br />These ordinances .i11 be the applicabie- regulations , the City will operate <br />under as previously stated in this agreement and will be exacted with an <br />effective date not later than January 1, 1979. Whenever the State Pules cover.- <br />ing the subject utter of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 157 , , or kf_nnesota <br />Statutes chapter x.57 are changed, the CITY will adopt or cause to be adoptedr <br />those chanted in their regulations and/or ordinances. The CITY rray enact <br />ordinances with more stringent requierrents than those contained in Minnesota <br />Statutes # chapter 157 , and/or rules proms 1 gated thereaf ter. <br />9. The Agree nt shall continue to be effective teminated by <br />either. party. Terniination by the CITY may be accomplished by the CM <br />noti f ing the STATE in writing that it intends to terra inate this Pgreenent, <br />and that such term" nation shall occur 180 days after the receipt of such <br />notice by the SIAM; Terminations of this Agreenent by the STATE shall be in <br />writing for just cause as revealed by the annual review score, or by failure <br />of the Cl' 'Y to abide by the terra of this Agree.-Lrent, Ter nation of this <br />Agreement by the STATE crust be cazccoirpanied by docu ntati.on of CITY program. <br />deficiencies requiring such termination if, such is the grounds for to n . <br />ation -. If the C=Y x S pragrarm is found by the STATE to be de f i ci .t by the <br />c ` " feria. and -standards set forth in Section 6 hereof but s b as to not create <br />f <br />a -pub li. c health hazard, the STATE may place the CITY'S program and the agee- <br />rrent on a provisional status for a period of six rnths ; said provisional <br />status racy be extended. In any evert, the STATE may ter-rn".nate the Agree nt <br />-2- <br />