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Wediii iesday, Jwiuw'y 11, 2012 <br />Irondale choir program shmes <br />Chou director receives award for dedication to the program <br />Emma Petermeier <br />Bulletin staff <br />Wediii iesday, Jwiuw'y 11, 2012 <br />Linda E. Andersen/Bulletin submitted photo <br />Choir director Jason Etten <br />rehearses "God Bless <br />America" with students at <br />Irondale High School. <br />Irondale choir director is <br />presented the Paul Harris <br />Fellowship Award at the <br />Rotary Club's December 20 <br />meeting. Left to Right: Rotary <br />club member David Hoel, <br />award recipient Jason Etten, <br />1 <br />Many music programs throughout the state are struggling, but at Irondale they flourish. <br />Irondale Principal Scott Gengler said he believes Irondale has traditionally always had <br />a strong music program and that they will continue working to keep it strong. He said <br />he would guess that about half of the freshman class coming in tend to take a music <br />class and by the time they reach their senior year, about one -third are still in one. <br />"The retention is great," he said, adding the students really enjoy it. <br />One reason this could be is choir director Jason Etten. Recently, the Rotary Club <br />awarded Etten the Paul Harris Fellowship Award for his dedication to the choral <br />program at Irondale. And Rotary Club member Jeff Benson said they feel he deserves <br />the award. <br />"One way to show you've made a mark is if you can get young men to sing in a choir, <br />and Etten's got a large group," Benson said. Benson said he also agrees with Gengler <br />that the students enjoy choir and are interested in the program. <br />According to Benson, the Paul Harris Fellowship is for individuals who through their <br />actions demonstrate "service above self' - a Rotary ideal. The club likes to honor <br />people that work hard in hopes of creating a better community, and that is why they <br />chose Etten as the recipient. <br />Gengler described the many ways Etten gives back through the music programs. "He <br />always finds ways to assist other staff members and is always open and available." <br />Gengler also said Etten puts on multiple concerts and gets choir groups to sing the <br />national anthem for many community events. Etten is involved in charitable fundraisers <br />and coordinates a district -wide variety show to provide scholarships to students. <br />Etten also directs smaller ensemble groups outside of school. Two of his groups, Guyz <br />Group and the Diva Dozen, were at the Rotary Club meeting for a holiday concert - <br />something Etten had done for many years - when they presented him with the Paul <br />Harris Fellowship Award. <br />and another Rotary club After the groups were done singing, just before everyone was about to join in for the <br />member Jeff Benson. sing -along Christmas carols, Benson and another member, David Hoel announced <br />they had an award for Etten. <br />It was a complete surprise, Etten said. "Very few people knew about it, and I wasn't one of them. The kids didn't even <br />know." <br />Etten has been at Irondale for about 13 years and throughout his time there he has seen many great changes in the <br />music program. The numbers, not only in the choral but also in the orchestra and band programs, have continued to grow. <br />Irondale has had to add staff and even another orchestra group to accommodate these musically enthusiastic students. <br />Irondale has four choirs. They have Varsity Choirs that are now split into men's and women's because so many students <br />joined, and they combine grades, nine through 12. They also have a 10th -12th grade women's choir called the <br />Knightingales, and a Concert Choir that is geared towards juniors and seniors. <br />
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