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1"T V, <br />IRM MMUM, <br />Updated":'All tivat)7, 2 <br />Page, 2 <br />thel,aw- cmfbrm, to t Stre, i,ned,, Sales andUse TaxAgeement �(S S'ILJTA) In 200 8 and �201 <br />6hanges were madle, to mak it mor difficult f6r localgovernments, to prmotie, loical sales, taxe <br />The addiit'ionsare explained in ithe swmmy be'low. <br />All Ij W"K' <br />Local, 'T yes Subject tothe Statutory'Provisio'ns <br />IL <br />Steps That a Local G�o�ve,rnm,e,n,,it";'Mus��t,i'�llow! to IMPose a Local Sales, Tax <br />w <br />11 In order to impose a local, sMes, tax, a, poli , tical subdivision, must obtain, legislative, <br /># # 0 0 <br />t i I a th izingi, : <br />enactm en, of" a, spec * a I au orb t to do soby tA.tng the fbIlowing i,n <br />step's 0 <br />t,heorder listed): <br />I The goveming''body of"politlicals bdivist"o must pass a resiolution <br />proposIng the tax, (4t least) the. <br />a. Prppostdtax rati; <br />C* Ant licipated. date thatutthe tax, will, expliv. <br />2 The I Mitted, to and; Passed, �y ofthe voters at <br />prq osed, tax, then, must, be, s, <br />,P <br />a genml el h Id at [east 901, diays, ,aft the resolu, n wnslv <br />w <br />,c,uon )assed The, <br />PolihIcal subdw`,ision May not expend, money to advertise or promote, the tax,, <br />' ' w * 'i . q sit, and,the, le 4 sli 'ure must enac a, <br />3. The political subdwlision must re lue 91, at <br />Veciial law authodizw-g Imposibion of the Ux. <br />4. The political, suW"ivi'sion, must pass, a,n ord =posil , ing t1w tax and, <br />noti t, e Com,,,Missioner of Revenue atAcast 90, d s belbre the fir dAy of' <br />the calmda quaiter on wh Ioh thei tax, is, to be Impowd. <br />o <br />