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COIFFURE DE PARIS <br />2960 n. Snelling <br />Roseville, <br />}: a September 8 <br />CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />2660 Civic Center Dro <br />Roseville, <br />- - <br />J <br />My wift Georgette owner of # # alr '" <br />C d ti f R state Minnesota namo of <br />Coiffure <br />to Parlev Incew Under this title we operate a beauty shop at the <br />above address within the city of Roseville. My wife works In this <br />shop as a bmautician, <br />It has been recently <br />ti. Kathy <br />Waxbers, ons. of ou*r current y� Intend to open and operate <br />a beauty shop at her home located 2923 N. Pascal in Roseville, <br />To do # f + should- ' <br />authorleation froil the City Council of Roseville., <br />I wish to point out the damages that I in y casep such <br />an an authorination would cause to our-business and to any beauty <br />shop in a more general situation, <br />fft',Y investing rather heavily in a beauty shop like OurB. <br />�we oontribute to the vitality and the life of a small <br />community like Roseville, by our presence a13 a fUl service zhop. <br />i ', create Jobs and allow our employes to earn a 'good salary <br />while working in a pleasan't environment, <br />�we contribute to the welfare of the state and to Its eco- <br />nomy through-our investmentsp through the purchase of supplies <br />and through the various taxes that we pay (our '� s '� '" contributes ,� B is o �' income # # City with-propert <br />contrary taxes.) .1 <br />On the + erson who 18 granted Permission <br />IRS a beauticlan'in hIB/her home has those costs considerably <br />reduced while taking a certain income from usl, <br />