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L-ldky Used Tn-vMS -Llrid ')ef i nition( <br />Ordinance k law enacted, by e -nmicinal gn've-mingr body, <br />Resolutioll declaration of a s-on.Wcific actim pertafinang to a sm%cific- set of <br />circutrstances <br />Rezoning Change in the zoning classificatiOn of a parcel of land requi 0 ring public hear- <br />ings before the Plaming Commission and Council. (CouncilL ax 0 <br />1 qorovaj <br />4/5 najority), 4.- ivquiLres <br />Building issued by the City all the rece-pient to cmst-ruct or remo&l a <br />owinalyr <br />Pe n-4 Olt structure which conforms with the code, <br />Special Use Land use allowed in a particular zoning classification but requiri - 't <br />ng a perm <br />which may be issued after public hearings before the Planning Commission and the <br />comcile <br />a' <br />Irariance A deviation from code requirenents when there are practical Ufficujues or <br />unusual hardshi7s in ca ing out the provisions of the zoning code, <br />.C) <br />minor A deviation from code -requirements in regards to front, side or rear yard setbacks <br />'Variance in R-1 and R-2 zoningy districts, <br />r-,%% - <br />Wite Plan Drawing or dJ-agram showing. all lohys ical facilities on a parcel of land includinIL <br />building, parking areas, landsc-aping., access, etc, <br />Vacat'Lon of Process of releasing land which was previously dedicated to the City for u-se as a <br />Right-of-way roadway <br />EU as em- en t A parcel of land upon which the city or indivil dual has obtained the legal right <br />to maintain or operate a specific facility, <br />Preliminary Tentative map or plan of a -Pronosed subdivision showing legal boundaries, r:Lghts- <br />Plat of-way, utilities,, easements.,, layout of street,, water courses and other features, <br />Final Plat Map or plan of a subdivision as a final document including all informtion requireu, <br />on the prelim.'nary plat showing JLn accurate detail and incorporating any necessary <br />0 Ih <br />changes agreed to in the prelimi-nary plat, <br />Hard Shells Heavy paper used for final plat document, filed with City'records after be* <br />recorded by Register of Deeds of the County, <br />4. <br />Reauportim- The distribution to newly formed parcels of an assessirtent already lev:Led against <br />& 0 <br />ment a parcel of land necessitated by the &Msion or platting of the parcel. <br />Fj TZ 4 I.C4 - &-j. W - - <br />IL N <br />h <br />