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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:21:07 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:19:13 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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659 of potential tasks for the group over the next few years. Mr. Petersen and Member Westerberg suggested <br />660 that the document, once reviewed and modified with additional GLWMO Board member comments, be <br />661 used as a recruitment tool for potential advisory committee members. <br />662 <br />663 Member Westerberg clarified in the first section of the description of the GLWMO's advisory committee <br />664 was the committee include citizens having an interest in the tasks outlined by the GLWMO Board, but <br />665 that they not necessarily be expected to have technical expertise. The committee will be accepting any <br />666 expertise they may bring to the group. Member Westerberg opined that the advisory committee should be <br />667 able to find sufficient governmental agencies and consulting engineering firms to accommodate the <br />668 committee. <br />669 <br />670 Mr. Petersen suggested that the introductory statement of "What is the GLWMO — ACT' be revised to <br />671 state: "A special purpose committee of citizens from within the Grass Lakes Watershed District and <br />672 technical experts from within the advisory committee or from agencies serving the GLWMO." <br />673 <br />674 Mr. Petersen suggested that the Board keep the statement in about "What the AC is not!" to provide <br />675 sufficient clarity and avoid misconceptions that the advisory committee was a decision - making board or a <br />676 board of managers. Mr. Petersen noted the difficulties experiences in the early formation of the Capitol <br />677 Region Watershed District in not clearly defining the advisory committee's role; and advised that he had <br />678 modeled the DRAFT language directly from the Capitol Region Watershed District's website. <br />679 <br />680 Mr. Petersen advised the Board that he wanted to do further research, in the context of a watershed <br />681 district, based on Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103A, whether a citizens advisory committee is a statutory <br />682 obligation; as to -date, he had only seen a reference to an advisory committee in the Metro Watershed <br />683 Management Act; and wanted to clarify the specific tasks that would be assigned and those that would not <br />684 be part of their tasks (e.g. review and comment on the annual budget). Mr. Petersen advised that he <br />685 remained unclear as to the context referenced in the case of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA); and <br />686 opined that it was important that this be included in the final documents. <br />687 <br />688 Mr. Petersen asked that individual GLWMO Board members provide their comments no later than one (1) <br />689 week from tonight's meeting in order to publish the next draft and allow for final comment from the <br />690 GLWMO Board. Mr. Petersen suggested that another option would be to invest authority to the Chair to <br />691 sign off on that draft to initiate recruitment; or to formally adopt it at the next meeting, noting that this <br />692 would further delay its use as a recruitment tool. <br />693 <br />694 Member Miller expressed his willingness to invest that power to the Chair, after he had an opportunity to <br />695 review the document and provide comments to Mr. Petersen by next week. <br />696 <br />697 Chair Eckman clarified that the intent was for the advisory committee to serve a core or standing <br />698 committee; with additional committee members recruited from time to time depending on the tasks at <br />699 hand. <br />700 <br />701 Mr. Petersen clarified that DRAFT document as prepared is based on the context of past discussions of <br />702 the GLWMO Board; and that the advisory committee combined theoretical functions, and was intended to <br />703 be a standing, ongoing group, most likely ebbing and flowing with various issues. <br />704 <br />705 Chair Eckman opined that having technical experts on the advisory committee was not specifically her <br />706 understanding of this group; and her intent was to have representative GLWMO citizens as previously <br />707 identified for the core standing committee; and to pull in other appropriate people as assignments evolved. <br />708 Chair Eckman suggested that the standing committee only meet every two (2) months or as specific <br />709 projects were assigned. <br />14 <br />
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