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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:27:30 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:23:58 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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505 detail; noting that this backflow phenomenon into Lake Wabasso had previously been brought to the <br />506 GLWMO Board's attention by Mr. Ferrington and property owners adjacent to the Outlet Weir. <br />507 <br />508 Chair Eckman advised that pictures of the situation were available for those interested; and opined that is <br />509 was very important to understand those connections and document them. <br />510 <br />511 Mr. Petersen noted that any hydrological system modifications needed to address the back -flow condition <br />512 into Lake Wabasso, would require downstream watershed Management organization participation and <br />513 that those systems were limited in what they handle in additional flows; and may require an extremely <br />514 detailed level of analysis and need to consider inter - organizational policies and cooperative solutions. <br />515 Mr. Petersen suggested that this may be an issue for the Governance Task Force during its deliberations. <br />516 <br />517 In recent significant rainfall events, Chair Eckman noted that it was her understanding that only one <br />518 property had been flooded on Lake Wabasso, and that was already known to have flooding issues. <br />519 <br />520 Mr. Petersen concurred, noting in addition that his discussions with Mark Maloney, City of Shoreview <br />521 Public Works Director, indicated that there had been an encroachment (e.g. a garden and a shed) into the <br />522 100 year flood plain at the site of the outlet channel; and that a previous FEMA analysis had predicted <br />523 what actually occurred in the way of flooding at the site. <br />524 <br />525 Mr. Ferrington complimented Mr. Petersen on taking the initiative to review and address the associated <br />526 issues with Lake Wabasso. Along those lines, Mr. Ferrington opined that the steps taken to -date should <br />527 serve as a model of what the Board needed to undertake in the future to investigate and better understand <br />528 citizen complaints. In addition, Mr. Ferrington noted the need for the GLWMO Board to realize its <br />529 ability to negotiate and discuss solutions with other agencies as issues were identified in other areas. In <br />530 addressing the backflow into Lake Wabasso, and based on his past discussions with Vadnais Lakes Area <br />531 WMO, Mr. Ferrington opined that it should be the responsibility and mission of the GLWMO Board's <br />532 leadership and management to take steps to continue working with those other jurisdictions on a solution, <br />533 not just to say the GLWMO itself could not undertake resolution. Mr. Ferrington further opined that <br />534 planning for the future had very complicated issues to address, but that they needed to be known in order <br />535 to move forward effectively. <br />536 <br />537 Ms. Correll noted that she had anticipated addressing the FOR memorandum dated September 12, 2011 <br />538 with the Board; however, she noted that it was not included in meeting packet materials, nor was it <br />539 specifically identified on the agenda. <br />540 <br />541 September 12, 2011 Memo from FOR to the Board RE: State Agency Draft Plan Criticisms <br />542 <br />543 The September 12, 2011 memorandum from FOR to the GLWMO Board was provided as a bench <br />544 handout, attached hereto and made apart hereof; outlining the results of a meeting by Ms. Correll with <br />545 Melissa Lewis (BWSR), Judy Sventek and Jack Frost (Metropolitan Council) to discuss their written <br />546 comments to the DRAFT Third Generation Plan previously submitted to their respective agencies. The <br />547 written responses, as referenced, were also provided as bench handouts at the meeting, attached hereto <br />548 and made a part hereof: August 26, 2011 letter from William G. Moore, General Manager of the <br />549 Metropolitan Council addressed to Ms. Melissa Lewis and copied to Chair Eckman; and the September <br />550 6, 2011 letter from Melissa Lewis, Board Conservationist with the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil <br />551 Resources (BWSR) to Ms. Correll and copied to other state review agencies via e -mail. <br />552 <br />553 <br />11 <br />
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