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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:27:30 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:23:58 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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203 Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried. <br />204 <br />205 BMP Cost -share Request at 1356 Sextant Avenue W, Roseville, for Pervious Pavement <br />206 Mr. Petersen summarized the memorandum from Ryan Johnson of the Ramsey Conservation District <br />207 (RCD), dated September 19, 2011, related to the Stanley Cost Share Application/Contract for pervious <br />208 driveway materials at 1356 Sextant Avenue W in Roseville, MN, to reduce storm water and improve <br />209 water quality within the GLWMO. <br />210 <br />211 Motion 11 -09 -05 <br />212 Member Miller moved, and Member Westerberg seconded approval of accepting the request for cost <br />213 share for a partial pervious concrete driveway at a reimbursement cost not to exceed $1,000 or 50% of the <br />214 eligible project cost, whoever is less; with a maintenance term of ten (10) years, as recommended by Mr. <br />215 Johnson. <br />216 <br />217 Member Miller sought clarification on who was responsible for maintenance, noting that pervious <br />218 driveways needed periodic cleaning to remain effective storm water management tools. <br />219 <br />220 Mr. Petersen advised that, typically, the recipient of cost -share reimbursements from the GLWMO were <br />221 responsible for maintenance within a five (5) year life span for the BMP when state funding wasn't <br />222 included. Mr. Petersen opined that, from his perspective, that didn't seem to be a very long maintenance <br />223 period in this case, since maintenance requirements would be different and needed for a longer term, <br />224 through use of a vacuum device. Mr. Petersen advised, given the lack of familiarity of the GLWMO <br />225 Board on proven maintenance techniques for this type of application, he was concerned with moving into <br />226 this arena. <br />227 <br />228 Member Barrett advised that it was his understanding that the proposed porous material will be pervious - <br />229 pavers; and questioned what guarantees the Board would have for the effectiveness of this application; <br />230 and if the pavers became clogged they would create storm water runoff similar to any other impervious <br />231 driveway application. <br />232 <br />233 Chair Eckman advised that her concern was what happened to the runoff at the end of the driveway <br />234 during heavy rainfall events; and if the driveway had a steep slope it wouldn't soak in, but run off. <br />235 However, Ms. Eckman noted that Mr. Johnson had indicated that, within Ramsey County, other <br />236 watershed districts and WMOs do provide cost -share on porous driveways because of volume reduction <br />237 benefits. <br />238 <br />239 Mr. Petersen suggested that the Board could approve the BMP cost -share request conditionally based on <br />240 the maintenance aspect; and further suggested that the Board may wish to approve this request as a pilot <br />241 project in order that there would be no expectation that this became a permanent part of the GLWMO <br />242 Board's BMP portfolio if found to be ineffective in the future. <br />243 <br />244 Mr. Petersen advised that he had initially met on -site with the applicant, Ms. Stanley, and then had <br />245 referred her to the RCD for their input and recommendations. Mr. Petersen noted that Ms. Stanley had <br />246 originally been considering a rain garden to intercept water coming down the driveway and onto the <br />247 Hamlin Ave. system. However, Mr. Petersen advised that the existing driveway had been found to be <br />248 problematic due to a host of problems; and he was unsure if this solution was mutually- agreed upon by <br />249 the RCD and Ms. Stanley or seen as a more effective solution than a rain garden. However, Mr. Petersen <br />250 noted that Mr. Johnson of the RCD was apparently staking his professional judgment on the effective <br />251 implementation of this practice. <br />252 <br />5 <br />
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