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102 water facilities in their community; and at a minimum, residents should be permitted the opportunity at <br />103 any time for such interactive community in a public forum. <br />104 <br />105 Specific to the Plan itself, Mr. Norton stated that there were a number of specific items he'd like to raise, <br />106 even while understanding that it was late in the process at this point, but if there was anything citizens <br />107 could do to affect individual items in the Plan, he would like some formal communication from the Board <br />108 to advise what form of communication residents needed to take to express those concerns; whether <br />109 through written letter or by soliciting assistance from elected officials to intervene and impact the Plan <br />110 currently being pursued. Mainly, Mr. Norton advised that he had more questions rather than comments <br />111 on the Plan; however, expressed his frustration having reached this late date and having had no previous <br />112 opportunity to have any input. Mr. Norton opined that he was sure he was speaking for more than just <br />113 himself. <br />114 <br />115 Robert Bell, 807 Heinel Drive (neighbor of Mr. Norton) <br />116 Mr. Bell expressed confusion regarding the jurisdiction of the GLWMO and that of the State of MN. One <br />117 concern with Lake Owasso shared by Mr. Bell was that the very successful work over the last forty (40) <br />118 years by the Lake Owasso Homeowners Association in controlling lake vegetation would not be <br />119 recognized. Mr. Bell questioned if the GLWMO had anything to do with that; and addressed specific <br />120 "floating islands" coming from the south end of the lake moving into other places and his desire to see <br />121 them removed, and who would have the jurisdiction to do so. Mr. Bell noted the talk about a Plan, but <br />122 stated that he hadn't seen any Plan, and didn't know what the Plan was, and the jurisdictions of the DNR, <br />123 the GLWMO, and individual cities. <br />124 <br />125 Nito Quitevis, 450 Horseshoe Drive <br />126 Mr.Quitevis addressed the long -time history of this watershed dating before 1925 and the changes and <br />127 improvements made to Lake Owasso during that time, having made great strides and making the lake in <br />128 pretty good shape right now. Mr. Quitevis stated that he had not seen a Plan and didn't know what the <br />129 Plan was; and expressed his concern about who was going to fund such a Plan; whether <br />130 Ramsey/Washington Metro WD or staying as is with GLWMO; opining that it was more effective to <br />131 remain an independent WMO with the two (2) member cities handling the work. If the responsibility <br />132 went to another taxing authority, Mr. Quitevis opined that there would be more money placed on property <br />133 owner taxes; and the GLWMO would get lost in the pool and have no say in how the work was <br />134 prioritized. Mr. Quitevis specifically addressed the "mud holes" (e.g. Lake Judy) that would ultimately <br />135 be taken care of at the expense of Lake Owasso, as a recreational lake. <br />136 <br />137 Mr.Quitevis referenced previous studies proposed and/or completed since 1998 that he had researched, <br />138 and expressed his significant frustration with the negligence and malfeasance; with no accountability; and <br />139 reiterated his support for remaining an independent organization as currently governed, with the addition <br />140 of an oversight committee consisting of no one from either member city that would monitor what this <br />141 organization was supposed to do. Mr.Quitevis stated that he had been told that some problems don't <br />142 exist; however, disputed that when he had evidence of storm drains existing, while clearing showing in <br />143 GLWMO records; and opined that the problem with Lake Owasso as a recreational lake was that Lake <br />144 Bennett continued to pump uncontrolled things into Lake Owasso; and questioned how situations such as <br />145 that would receive attention if the GLWMO were to merge. Mr.Quitevis advised that he had previously <br />146 made a recommendation to the Mayor of Shoreview and had received an unsatisfactory response. Mr. <br />147 Quitevis opined that member cities were supposed to do the work, but had not done so, and he claimed <br />148 that he had documentation to prove his statement, including maintenance reports and history and report <br />149 cards that don't exist; and reiterated that the work would not be accomplished without oversight. <br />150 <br />151 Mr. Quitevis expressed his opinion of unbelievable statements made by the current GLWMO Chair to the <br />152 media that had proven to be inaccurate. Mr.Quitevis opined that the people with the knowledge to handle <br />