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fl ctober 5, 1971 <br />PLA��ING REPORi <br />CASE NUMB�R: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION: <br />ACTI4N REQUESTED: <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />1068-71 <br />Grandma Lee's <br />Between Woodbridge 5�reet and Minnesota <br />Street, West of Rice Street <br />Speciai Use Permit <br />1. You will recall �he property between L�loodbridg� S�reet and r1innesa�a Averrue <br />immedia�ely west o� Rice Street, which was zoned B-2 and divide� into two <br />}o�s about six months ago_ This property was antici�ated to be either a <br />single or two restauran� s��es de�ending upon the size of the proposed <br />facility. The applicants has initially intended to purchase one of the <br />lots {half of the pr.oper�y} and locaie a new restaurant facility on the <br />site. After having met with them on several occasions, they have decZded to <br />purchase all of the property so as to be able to prov�de adequate parking <br />and setbacks gre�ter than that requir�d by ordinance. <br />2. The ap�licant now proposes to construct a restaurant on approximately a <br />one acre �ite (44,266 square feet) wit� a 3,232 square foot restaurant <br />with accommodation for 60 cars. The res�aurant will seat 410 peop�e. The <br />restaurant also provides a drive-throug� ser�ice whereby food can be picked <br />up directly from the automobile. <br />3. 7his r�staura�t is a new concept featuring "home baked bread" and ather <br />bakery goods which are baked o� the si�e. This opera�ion has bee� s�arted <br />in Canada and as indicaied by the applicant, has been extremely suecessful <br />in that area. This is �he�r �irst restaurant in this area, which will b� <br />a protatype for other restaurants to follaw. <br />4. 7he building design features a coloniaZ motif with brick and horizontal <br />s�ding. The building has much of the character of the colonial structures <br />featured by Twin City Federal Savings and Loan (as an example). <br />5_ A detailed site plan has been submitted which includes a 20 foot wide berm <br />on the west side af the property co�tig�aus to the res�dential area. Ten <br />feet of the proposed berm is o� the appl�cent's property and ien feet is on <br />the contiguaus �roper�y by joint arrangement. The screening in th�s 2fl foot <br />area of land is provided for the cons�ruction of a berm and planting as <br />indicated on the site plans. karge scale draUtinqs of the plans will be <br />available ��r your review at the Planning Commission meeting. <br />6. You wi11 nate that the buiZding is set far to the northwes� corner of �he <br />site (c1osest to the commercial deveiopment across bJoodbridqe Street}. <br />This places the building the greatest distance from the single family <br />
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