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October 5, 1971 <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUP9BER: <br />P.PPL I CANT : <br />LOCATION: <br />�458-77 <br />Paul G. Roberts <br />Beiween Albemar1e Street ar�d Rice <br />Street <br />AC7ION REQUES�fEI}: �'.��iravaZ of �rel imi nat��r F� at <br />Rezoni ng from �t-2 and 8--1 to R-6 <br />PLRP�iV � f�G CONS I DE.RATIOf�S : <br />1. As recomrr�ended by the Planning Cnmmission a� th� last meeting, the applicant <br />has now submitted complete site plans, landscape ��ans, drainage plans, <br />pre�iminary townhouse floor plan, and exterior elevations. <br />2. The revised site plan, prepared by Frank Reese (architect) has adjusted the <br />parking layout s�o as to provide two parkinc� spaces per unit. The parking <br />now consisis of one 5pace in the garage for each unit plus an additionai <br />space on the exterior, in a�dit�on to a space in �'ront of each garac�e <br />unit. This conforms with the ordinance requ�rement of two parking ��aces <br />per unit, one of which must be enclosed. <br />3. A r�ore complete landscaping plan has now been submitted including the <br />proposed land�caping for �he interior cour� area beiween the structures. <br />4. The engineering staff has crnnpleted their review of the proposed drainage <br />plan and now find it to their satisfaction. <br />5. In reviewing the bu�lding plans for the units themselves, we have noted to <br />the applicant, that the floor plan for the first floor, living room, d�ning <br />area, and kitchen, could be much improved by slight revision. !=le have <br />discussed this with the applicant (and the owners afi the project� who have <br />indicated their intent to consider this change. T�he prablem r�ith the R�an <br />is that access to the kitc�en and dining area is possible only via a diagonal <br />route through the living r�om. Transposing these functions from one side <br />af the unit to the other would aZlo�rr for a more efficient and useful <br />arrangement for these three #'uncti ons . frle are meeti ng a�i th ihe appl i car�t <br />again next Wednesday (the day o� the Planning Cammissian meeting) to re�iew <br />these suggestions on the floor layou�. We have a�so received capies of <br />a prapased carporatior�, by-laws, and restrictions ap�licable to the home- <br />owners' association which would cantrol the common areas and maintenance. <br />1Je have not completed a review of these docu►nents, hav�ng received them <br />today (9-28-77}. If we have commenis or suqgest�ons regarding �he <br />resiriciions, we wil1 comment on these points at the Plann�ng Commission <br />mee�ing. <br />