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AGENDA SECTION <br />MEETING <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 1.1-28-77 <br />oRIGINATi INQ DEPT. / DIV. . <br />DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL, <br />i�qports & Pn=uTi endat ins Adm <br />r <br />m Igo.. ITEM DES D RI PTi oN : opoSed park ACgUiS .tion '- AdjaCent to MGR. REVIEWED/ RECOMMENDS: <br />Y aterion Parkr...�. <br />For the past several ninths the City has been negotiating with the awners Nbiss Brothers) <br />of three parcels to purchase their lard for parry purposes. The proposed acquisition <br />would provide an expansion to Materim Park. A purchase agreements has been Signed <br />for the acquisition of one other Parcel owned by Pcger Stevenson. See attached snap for <br />location of the above mentioned parcels. <br />TWO appraisals were prepared for the three Weiss parcels. The first asses that <br />Matilda Avenue would not be installed and the - higbest and best use of the property would <br />be to chine it with the City park. The second appraisal assurned Matilda could be <br />tal.led and the pots developed. * Under the first appraisal each of the three lots <br />were hued at $2,000 each,, and under the sew appraisal each lot was valued at $6,,000. <br />The absolute price the three property comers would negotiate a sale is at $10,000 <br />for each of the lots. Based on the city 6ppr�aisal.s and thEi cost of providing utilities <br />and paving to those parcels, 'a purchase price of $10, 000 per lot cannot be recommeidedi, <br />There ace three apparent alternatives wailable to the Council: . <br />1, Abandon plans to acqAre the tree paroe is . <br />Accept the r . price of Hers ($10,000 per lot) <br />Vitiate condemnation proceedings to acquire the three parcels, <br />The Weiss brothers desire -to develop their three lots. If the acqmsition is abandoned, <br />the City would need to determine their cost participation in the ins laticn of utilities <br />d paving, if any. The principal question is the value of the property for park des <br />versus the value and cost - of a street <br />It is recaianezided that the City in � ti at e cmdennation proceedings to acquire the Weiss <br />parcels . <br />Action Requested: lion to i..n..itiate cmdemati . proceedings against <br />Lots 1, 21 3r 41 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Block 6. Joy's <br />Rice Street Adaition or <br />