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nrc� l nvu <br />REQUEST F4R GOUf�C1L ACTEdN DATE: �--g�78 , <br />AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATkNG DEPT./DIV.: <br />Heaxings - Adm - . . <br />'TEM NO.: iTEM D�SCRIPTlON' P�sbert Kath rEquest for final plat at <br />� ^ � 2125 Hamline Avenue <br />DEPi.HEAD APPROVAL_ <br />C�'----� <br />MGR. R�VIEWEO/RECOMMENDS: <br />The final plat hard shells have still not been ccmpleted. Hawever, Mrs. Kath. <br />iridicates that the legal compLications have been x�esolved and the plat is being <br />prepared by the�r surveyor. She requests that the hearing I�e cantinued unt�.I the <br />Januaxy 23, meeting. <br />�i�ncil. Ac�ion Requested: Matian cont�.rruing Herbert Kath's requ.est <br />for final plat at 2125�e Avenue until <br />the Council mee�ing of January 23, 1978. <br />