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1978 Standing �les of Procedure <br />Rule 1. Regular Meetings. R�gu2 <br />be held at the City Hall <br />of each.mon�h at 7:3Q P.M. <br />reserved for Counci]. work <br />ar meetings of the Council shall <br />on the second and fourth Mondays <br />A thzrd Monday shaZl be <br />5�5510i1S and/or public hearings. <br />l�u1e 2. S�ecial Meeting and W�ork Sessions. Special meetings and <br />work sessians must�be cal.Zed at the request of at least <br />three t3) ira�.�ers of the Council. On]_y those items specific- <br />ally agreed upon in advance shall be considered. At least <br />24 hours advance notice must be qiven to alI �rs of the <br />Cauncil prior to the hoZding of said special m�tings and work <br />sessions and that such notice sha11. also be posted on the City <br />Hall BulZetin Board at least 24 hours in advance of the sper�al <br />m�eting. <br />�le 3. E�rgency Meetings. �nergency meetings may be called at any <br />t?m? provTCting all members of the Counci� sign waivers of <br />notice prior to the holcling of such e�rg�ncy ir�eting. <br />F�l.e 4. Q��.orum. Three (3) �rs of the Council shall constitute a <br />qEZOnun. <br />Ru1e 5. Minu�es . As soon as a quon� is present r ITL'LI7LitE5 of the pre- <br />vi uso� eting sha�1 be approved as present�d or accepted after <br />�;oxxections have been made. <br />Rz1e 6. Nbtions . Any mation, by any m�ta}�ear, shall be �educed -t,o <br />wri gtin�i�pon the request of any �r. Iv�o mo'�ion sha1Z be <br />put to vote until it has been stated by th� reaorder a� the <br />reques� of any member of the Covncil. <br />�.ile 7. Minu�s of Motions. Af-�er a mot.�.on shall be sta�ed by the <br />recorder, it s a�1 be in possession o£ the Councilr but it <br />may be �,rz-�hdrawn at any time by the Counci]m�ri presenting the <br />motion b�fore being.arc�.nded or acted upon. All mations and <br />amenc3�rents thereto sha1� be entered upon the minut,es and the <br />vote thereon whe-ther they be adopted ar �re�ec�ed. <br />Ru�e 8. Petitions , Mez�ri a]..s , etc . Petitions , memQrialS , and ofiher <br />papers address to the Council shai� be presented by the <br />presiding of�icer or by a member in his/her place, or may be <br />read by the record�r at the request of a member or the px�e- <br /> officer. All p�titions, me.�r�orials, and other conm�i- <br />cations which may be filed with or delivered to the Manager <br />p�or to the meeting of the Council sha]..I be brought be�ore <br />the Cauncil by the Manager, <br />Rule 9. Vote. (I) Ro1.1 Cal� sha1Z be cal�ed fr�n the presicling officer's <br />ra�g t to his/her left, except the pres�ding o�iicex shall vote last. <br />(2) Each individual's vote shaZ1 be entered in the minutes. <br />(3) Any r�nber may abstain f�m voting or disqualify <br />himself/herself. The reason for disc�uali.fication or abseniention <br />mta,st be stated by the �r and entered in the minutes. Tf a member <br />disquali�ies himse�f/hersel.�, he/she, may leave the roam while fhe <br />issue is being considered. <br />