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CiZ'Y QF R06�VTrrF <br />Regular Meetang of the City CounciZ, Decesnber 19, 1977. <br />'I'he City Co�cil met on the above date w:�th the folTaw�nq <br />members present: Mayc�� Die�s, Counci]�nen Andex�son, H�ss, <br />Ck�rley and Grauel. <br />A-� Ci�°1ey Nlr�ved, Grauel Second�d, that the minutes of the meeting <br />of Dec:e�nber 12, 1977, be appn�ved. Po11 Caii, Aves: Andersan, <br />�3ess, C�rley, Grauel and Dexms. Nays : I�e. <br />7 : 30 P .Ni. <br />■����: <br />�2 Hess Maved, Andex°son Seccmdecl, tha� �he x�eques�. of Herbert Ka'th HERBERT KATH <br />to ront�.n�ue the public hearing on �inal p�.at at 2125 Hamline <br />Avenue tu�til the Council �e� of January 9, 197$, be appraved. <br />1m1I Call, Ayes : Ar�cl.e�on, Hess, Giarley, Grauel and Dem�s. Nays : <br />ivone e <br />B-3 Anderson Moved, Hess Seeancied, that znterstate Detroit �esel's <br />request for special use perm�� at 1975 Oakcr�st Avenue be <br />appx�ved. Roll Call, Ayes- An�rson, Hess, CiarZey, Grauel and <br />I�m�s. Nays: None. <br />Br4 Giarley Nbved., Grauel Seconded, that Paster �t�erprises request <br />far rezoning fx�n Br2 to B-3, special use pe�t and variance <br />to at 1741 I�xangte�n Av�nue be cantinued until the <br />Council mee�ing of Jant�ary 7.6, Y978. Roll Ca.]1, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Hess, Ciarley, Grauel and Demos. Nays: None. <br />B-5 Anderson Moved, Hess 5ecc�de�., �ha� Resolution No. 6593 <br />vaca�ing ane half of the Rzc�mnd �oa,d right-of way at 986 <br />NL�llwood Av�nue be adoptied� RoIA Ca11, Aye.s: Andexson, <br />Hess, Gi�rley, Grauel and D�mase Nays: None. <br />Anderson Mov�d., Hess Seconci�., that a street and u�ility <br />ease�ent tor one hali of ��-ic�� of way of 9B6 N1illwood <br />Avenue be accepted fraQn R��°t Dus�n. 1�I,1 Call , Ay� : <br />Anderson, Hess, C�rZey, Grat�1 �x�d Dem�s. Nays; No�e. <br />Anderson Nbved, Hess Seconded, �ha� pY,4jecE 77-2 shouZd be <br />dmpped frcen C'.cenbined Impr�vements 76-18, 76-22 and 77-7 0 <br />RAIl Ca.11, Ayes : Anderson, Hess, Cu,rley, C�°aueZ and DeYtr�s , <br />Nays: None. <br />� �ti • <br />� •,• � �:r. � <br />., �. <br />�� .�.. <br />r�sor�rri� <br />NOo 6593 <br />� � i� .: <br />PR0�7G�' 77-2 <br />C-1 Anders�n Nbved, Grau.el �conded., �iat a Cotuzcil. work session T+�RK SES.S�OI�T <br />be establi�hed for 7:30 PoM., �iesday, January 3, 1978, for <br />the purpose of discus�ing Council organ�zatianal b�xsiness; and <br />further that the new cotmcil m�rs be not�.�ied o� the m�eting. <br />lml3. Call, Ayes : Anc�erson, Hess ��,irley, Grauel anci De.m�s o <br />Nays: None. <br />Fri C�rley Moved, Grauel �ca�ded, t�at Pesolution Noo 6594 pert�in- RE50LUI'ION <br />ing to � stai�iission �f an enviroim�enta3. assessm�ent of Phase 3 NO. 6594 <br />of l�sedale Centnx to the Minn�sota Enva�raru�n�i.7. Quality Board <br />be acZopted. RaIZ Cal�., Ayes : Anderson, Hess, Ctxz°ley, Gratxel and <br />Demoso Nay�: None. <br />