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��c�u�s� Fo� cou�c�� �cT�o� <br />l�GENOA SECTION: OR{GINATING DEPT./DiV.: <br />:.�PORTS t���D RECO+-1r���tDAiIOlJS PU�LIC WORKS <br />� n FJp.: 17EM DESCRIPTIOIV' CO��IDEh1haATI41d OF EASEh1EldrS PdQS. 1 thru 5 <br />�— ( d FOR STORM IC�t�ROVEtaEriT 76-8. AT C�.�V�LAtaD AVEr�UE <br />DA7E: <br />.; <br />DEP7.HEAD APPROVAL. <br />`�/� � � <br />MGR. REVlEWED/RECOMMENQS: <br />Over a year ago, the councii authorized ihe construction of storsn drainage <br />facilities near C7eveland Avenue, south of County P,oad D. As �part of th�s <br />improvenent, it is necessary to construct a storm searer betr��een Cieveland <br />Avenu� and I-351d, Thi s nes�r 1 i ne �ri 11 be very cl ose to an exi sti ng storn� <br />sevrer iine built as part of an o]d Caunty ditch impravement. Unfortunately, <br />tt�� record aRd the lav� are unclear on such ditch improve�r�ents, as to the <br />rights the government has over such starm seVrer lines. <br />The_city`s at�orr�eys have advised that, to clarify ihis matter, the best <br />approach woul d be to gn to tf�e courts to establ i sh the ri gfits of both si des <br />and to determine proper-compensation. 7his wouid affect 5 parcels, as shovrn <br />on �he at�ached sketch. <br />REGOMt�9�NDED ACTIDN: <br />Adoption of a resa7utiar� to authorized condemnatian of 5 easements in con- <br />junctian with �r�prav�ment ST-76-�i. <br />