<br />CITY C� �SEiIILT�E
<br />Regi.Llar Meeting of �he Ctt�r Co�cil, Janu,axy 9, I976.
<br />�e City Cotancil met on 'the abave date raith the folTaw�ng
<br />mend�ers presen�: Ande�°sc�x, G�°ley, F�anke, Kehr and Dem�s.
<br />A 1 Anderson Nbved, Ctax�ley Seconded, that the mir�utss of the
<br />meeting of I�ce�nber 19, T978, be approvedv R�ll Call, �iyes:
<br />Anderson, G�zrley, FYanlce, IC�,hr and Dezmsm Nayse Noneo
<br />Brl G�r1ey Nbved, Ande�°son S�onded, that Paul l�berts request
<br />�ar° pr+eliminary pla� and �ezoni.ng fr�n B-1 to 1�2 at 2075
<br />Rice Street be approved, and that a public hearing he est
<br />abTished on the final plat fo� the Council meeting o�
<br />F�ruary 27, 1978, �il Ca711, Ayes: Anderson, Ci�rYey,
<br />F`x°anke, Rehr and Demos. Na�s: Non2.
<br />&-2 Anderson Nbved, Franke Seconded, that Herbert Ka�h's request
<br />for final plat at 2125 Hamline Avenue be continued until the
<br />Council meeting of �Tan�,�r° 23 , 1978 o Roli Ca11, Ayes :
<br />Anderson, Curley, Franke, Kehr and Deims. Nays: Nonem
<br />C�1 Ci�rley Nbved, Andersnn Seconc�Ged, �hat the Counc�l's Standing
<br />Fh1.l�s of Procedux�e for the year 1978 be adapted. RoZl Ca1.I,
<br />Aye,s: And�erson, Cixrley, Fran2ce, Kehr and De�t�os. Nays: Nane,
<br />C-2 Anderson NJover7, Franke Seccezded, �hat Co�cilman Thcnna.s Ctiirley
<br />be appoin�d.Acting Mayor for the year 1978. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Anderscm, Gtarley, Franke, Kehr and Taemos . Na�rs : None.
<br />Andersc�.Nbved, Franke 5eoonded� that Cwncilman A1 Kehr be
<br />appointed as, Iiai.son member to �he Planning p��,j.sszon. Ro1Z
<br />Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Franke, Kehr and Dem�s. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />Andersar� Nbved, Franke Second�d, that Councilman Polly Franke
<br />be appointed 1iai.son m�e� �o �the Paxks �rbd I�creation CA�r
<br />ittee for the yeax° 1978. 1�11 Call, Ayes : Anderson, Ci�leZr,
<br />Franke , Kehr and Delres . Nays : 1V�ne .
<br />Arndez°son Mwed, Franke Seconc�ed, that Mayor De�nos and
<br />Crnuici.Iman Kehr be appointed delegates to ihe �ey Oo�ty
<br />Leag�ed Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Ctiirley, Franke, Kehr and
<br />Desrms. Nays: NQne.
<br />7:30 P.M.
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<br />Anderson lUbved, FYanyce Seconded, that OoLmci]inalz Cameron Anderson NOl�i SUBUI�AN
<br />be appoint�ed to the No� Suburban Youth Sezvioe B�xY'eau Boa.�3 of YOLPI'fi SE17ilICE
<br />D�rectorsm 1m1Z CaiZ, Ayes: Andersan, C�r1ey, Fr°anke, Kehr BUREALT
<br />and Dem�so Nays: Nane.
<br />Anderson Nbved, F�.°anke Secor�led, �hat Ma.yor D�xms i�e appoin�ed,
<br />delegate to the Assora.ation o£ N1�t-x�opolitan Municipaiities .
<br />1m17. Ca11, Ayes: Andexson, Giirley, Franke, Kehr and Demasd
<br />Na.ys : Norbe .
<br />