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<br />stories in height. The antennas will be located on the top of the penthouse <br />and will create a minimal impact on adjacent properties. The antennas must <br />be visible in order to function properly without "shadowing." <br /> <br />4. The proposed expanded use of the property will not have an adverse impact <br />on the market value of contiguous properties. <br /> <br />5. The proposed expanded use of the property will not have an adverse impact <br />on the general public health, safety and welfare. The installation of essential <br />public communications equipment is recognized as a necessity within the <br />community. In addition, the antennas will operate in the 1.9 to 2.2 Ghz radio <br />frequency range, transmitting and receiving a low power wireless radio signal <br />to a small service cell (.75 to 1.0 mile radius). <br /> <br />6. The proposed expanded use is consistent with the City's Comprehensive <br />Plan's Limited Business designation and City policies regarding personal <br />communication system antennas. <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the <br />City of Roseville, Minnesota (the "City"), Ramsey County, Minnesota, that a conditional use <br />permit for three additional cellular telephone antennas on the roof and penthouse of the <br />Roseville Professional Center be approved subject to the following conditions: <br /> <br />1. The antennas are to be removed within twelve months after they are no longer in <br />use. <br /> <br />2. Life safety building improvements at 2233 Hamline Avenue must be completed <br />within six months of the date of adoption of this Resolution. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by <br />Council Member Goedeke and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: <br />and the following voted against the same: Maschka, Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel, Wall. <br /> <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br /> <br />) SS <br /> <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br /> <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified City Manager of the City of Roseville, County <br />of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the <br />attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of said City Council held <br />on the 27th day of May, 1997, with the original thereof on file in my office. <br /> <br />WITNESS MY HAND officially as such Manager this30~ay of May, 1997. <br /> <br />SEAL St~~r <br />