<br />B-4 Andersari Maved, Cixrley Seconded, that Paste�° �ter�aarises
<br />reqtiest for x�zoning fro[tt B-�2 to B-3, special use perniit
<br />and variance io setback at 1741 Lexingt�on Avenue be continued
<br />im-t�l the Cotmcil mset�ng of N3arch 13 � 1978. R�11 Call, Ayes :
<br />Ctiirley, KQ.hr, F'ranke, Anc�erson and Demds. Na�s e None.
<br />B-5 Anderson Nb�ved, Franke Se�anded, that Paul Rober�s request
<br />fo� fina�, plat at 2075 North Riae Street be ccmtirrued �til
<br />�he CounciZ meeting of March 13 0 1978. 1�I1 Call, Ayes: C.l�°Iey.
<br />Kehr, Franke, Anderson ar�ci Den�s a Na�ys : I'�r�� s
<br />C-1 Anderson Moved, G�rley Se�o�ded, �a.t a special �nci1
<br />meef�.s�g be set �or March 20, I978, at 7:30 P.M., in the Cit�r
<br />Hall �uncii Qiambers, for the puzpose of ho�ding Zoca1 iRr
<br />p�av�r�ent �� �earings arid revi�winc� impr�vements on va7rious
<br />oonstx�act�oaz projects o 1�11 Call, Ayes : Ci��ey, icehr, Franke,
<br />Andex san ara� D�ros . Nays : 1Vone .
<br />CiirZey Mav+�d, Frarike �carided, tYiat Re�Iut�on No. 6615
<br />s�zppar�ing th�e request £or c�letion of �n Er�i�oxunental
<br />Impa.ct Sta.tement regarc�ing the tase of the Bethel Collec�e
<br />Site �or a Job Corps Center be adopted; �nd further that the
<br />City will �ake no financial contxib�xtion. Ra1Z Call, Ayes:
<br />G�rley, Kehr, Franke, Anderson and Denos . Nays : No�ne .
<br />E-I Andersan Nbved, Kehr Seoonded, that the G�ty Man�.c�er be
<br />anthorized to sign the N1�rr�randum of Agree�nt between Local
<br />49, AFIrCTO and the City of RQSe�ille modifying the I977-78
<br />labor agr�nt and extenc�ing the labar agreement through
<br />ca�.er�dar year 1979. Roll Ca11, Ayes : Cuir�e�r, Kehr, Franke,
<br />A,nders�n and Dem�s. Nays: None.
<br />E-2 CurZey Nbved, Franke Seoonded, tha� the Ci�.y Att�arney be
<br />inst�n�cted t� prepar� an ordinance aitiending section 12 , 030
<br />of the City C:ode by increasing to 350 feet the distance for
<br />shaving ProP�rty awn��s on the Abst-sa�rs Cer�ficate. ��1
<br />CaYI, Ayes: Gi:crley, K�ehr, Franke, Anc7ers� and De�.s. Nays:
<br />Noneo
<br />E-3 Anderson Mr�v�d, Kehr Secc¢ided, t-hat Resoluti.on Noo 6616
<br />dec7..aring adequacy of petition and ordering prePaxation of
<br />a feasibiiity study on traffic si.gnal at Fairview entranee
<br />to lmsec�ale, Project M�78-4, be ac3op�,ede- �11 CaZl, Ayes:
<br />Ci�ley, ICehr, Franke, Anderson and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-4 Franke NSoved, C�irley Secor�ded, that R�esolution Noo 5617
<br />acaepting fi�ie feasibility report regard�ng an undergxo�und
<br />st�°eet light system on Gran�lview Avenue �etw�n Mati�da Street
<br />and S50 feet north, Imprav�nt UIr77-21, �nc�. callirig for a
<br />hearing on March 20, 1978, be adc�ted. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />�leya Kehr, Franke, Ander�son ancl Dem�s. Nays: N�nea
<br />.. �.
<br />�+�i�4a�• � • .
<br />M�:u� :;.;:�:��.y
<br />SPF]CIAL
<br />N�!'II��G
<br />�OLLTrION
<br />N0. 6615
<br />IAC,AL 49
<br />. .,� � �. ��
<br />�' � ��s�y
<br />RE.SOi�PI'IOrN
<br />NO. 6616
<br />RE'S0I�7TION
<br />N0. 6617
<br />