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""tt „"� Mar. 27, iy <br />REC�UEST FOR C{��NCIL. �����iV �AF�: . <br />AGENDA SECTION : <br />REPORTS ANa RECQ�PiENDATI0N5 <br />ORIGiNATING DEPT. /OIV.: <br />PUB�.IC WflRKS <br />ITEM n,o.: I ITEM DE.SCRIPTION� peti ti on for S�reets and Uti l� ties to Develop <br />DEPT.HEAD AP?ROVA�_ <br />G �` � f� <br />MGR. REV1F�y1+E�/RECOMMENDS: <br />,. �- �% I the Southwest Corner of Josephine Rd. & Lexington Ave.SSWP-7�-7 <br />On March 21, 197$ the Council received a petition €rom the iwo owners <br />of undevelop�d land at the sauthw�s� corner of Josephin� Road ar�d Lexington <br />Avenue. Th�s petition called for a constructian of bituminous s�ree�, co�crete <br />curb and gutter and necessary utiiities for partions af County Ro�d C-2, <br />Merrili Street, Mii1wood Avenue and fernwood Aver�ue. It a3so requested the <br />�tilit�eS to serve the so�th side of Josephine Road, between Merrill Avenue <br />and [.exington Avenue. It wouid resu�t in improvements that would aliow t�e <br />development af NEr. Morelski's parcei on the west sid� of t�is area known <br />as Bel�+ir Lake Jasephine He�ghts Na. 2, It would also allow for a portian <br />of the land owned by Mr. Reiling which is adjacent to Fernwaad Avenue and <br />Jose�hine Avenue, to be deve1oped. Tl�ese two owners represent what will <br />proj�ably be the entire assessment area. Patentially the two residential parcels <br />on the south si de o�F County Road C--2 mi ght be assessed i f that roadway i s <br />bu� 1 t to resi denti al street standards. Si nce i t i s a NfSA Roadway, however, <br />3f construction occurs to such state standards there wauld be no assessment <br />to tt�ese owners ar�d therefore the pet� ti on woul d be 100% si gned. <br />P7ease not� that t�e bulk of Mr. Reiling's ownership near Lexington Avenue <br />wauld not be developable with this improvement. <br />g F: �- <br />Because af the heavy demand on the �ngineerir�g Departm�n� at this t�me, and <br />the r�quest that this development be processed as quickiy as possible, it i� <br />recommended �hat a consultant be utilized to aid in the project study, fl�s- <br />cussions have been heid with the firm of Short, Elliatt and Hendrickson Assoc. <br />and it is propased that this organization be used to aid the Public Works staff <br />in the preparation of the �'�a��9bility study, and if the praject is successful, <br />in �he final design and ins�ect�on procedures. <br />RECOMh1ENDED COUNCIL ACTI4N: <br />1. Adoption of a resolution accepting a peti±i�n �a cons truct p ublic <br />improvements that would aZlow ihe d�velopmer�t of iands in the vicinity <br />of the southwest corner of �osephine Ftoad and Lexington Avenue. i'hese <br />i mprove�nts are furfil�er i denti f� ed as bei ny i n port�o ar�s vf County Road <br />C-2, Merriil 5treet, Niillwood Ave�ue, Fernwood Avenue and Josephine Road, <br />with the proyQCt being identif�ed as SS-W-P-78-7. The Publ�c l�orks staff <br />i$ directed to have a f�asibTlity study on.this improv�ment prepared for <br />Council consideration. <br />2. Ap���oval vf a motion authori zi ng the mayor anc! ci ty rnanager to enter <br />into an agreement with tne consulting firm �f Sho�t, E11iot, EiendricicsQr� <br />Associates to provide engineer�ng support for t�e �roject. <br />