<br />Regular M�eting of the City Council - March 27, 1978.
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the folZauing
<br />membexs present: Mayox Dem�s, Counci]iren Anderson, C�Zr�ey,
<br />Kehx and FYanke.
<br />A-1 Anderson Moved, C�r1ey 5ecanded, that the manutes of the
<br /> meeting of March 13, 1.978, be approved. Rc�ll
<br />Call , Ayes : Andersan, Curley, Kehr, FYanke and D�.mr�s .
<br />Nays: Nor�.
<br />A 2 Gtarley Nb'ved, Anderson Seconded, that the minutes of
<br />the special meeting ot March 20, Z978, be approved. R,oll
<br />Cal�, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Kehr, �7anke and Dem�s.
<br />Nays: None.
<br />Prl C�rley Moved, Anderson Seconded, that Ed Cave & Sons
<br />requ.est �ar �inal plat at 2489 Rice Stxeet be continued
<br />�ti.1 the Council meeting of April 24, I978. R�a1I. Call,
<br />Ayes: Andex�sdn, Ctiirley, Kehr, Franke and i�mos. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />Pr-2 C�irley Nloved, Franke Seconded, that Resolut�.on Na. 6624
<br />approving M. M. Developmen� Corporat�on's request for
<br />tinal plat at 1751 CAUnty Roar3 B be adapt�d; and th� Mayor
<br />and Manager authorized ta siqn the final plai after receiv°-
<br /> wri�ten assuranoe fxam the awnez-s that the private
<br />roadway easer�.nt and public utility easement aZong -the norfh
<br />edge of the plat �vould be provided the City. R�11 Call,
<br />Ayes : Anderson, C�rley, Kel�r, Frar�ke and Dem�,s. Nays :
<br />None.
<br />B-3 Franke Mo�., Kehr Seconded, tha� Herbert Kath's request
<br />for final. plat at 2125 Hamline Avenue be continued until.
<br />the Cotmcil meeting of April 10, 1978. Rflll Cal�, Ayes:
<br />Anderson, C�ley, Kehr, Franke and Demos. P�ays: None.
<br />B-4 Curley Moved, Anderson Seconded., that Paul Raberts request
<br />for .final plat at 2075 Rice S�treet be continued until i-he
<br />Council m�eting of Apx�il 10, 1978. RoZl Call, Ayes:
<br />Anderson, G%xley, Kehr, F'xanke and Demr�s . Nays : None .
<br />C�-I Anderson Moved, C�irley Secanded, that a Council wark
<br />session be establish�d in�dia�ely folla��ing the regular
<br />Council meeting to cliscuss the Municipai Liquor Store oper-
<br />ation. 17011. Ca11, Ayes : Anderson, G�rley, Kehr, rYanke
<br />and L�mps . Nays : None .
<br />D--1 C�.irley N1QVed, Andersan Seconded, to recorrn�end to the
<br />Ra�ey County 5heriffs T�part�nent that the �aater ski
<br />slalorn course and jump on La]ce Q�aasso b� �ermi�ted in the
<br />same Iocatio�z as 1977. �11 CaI1, Ayes: Anderson, C�arleY,
<br />Y.�h�c, Fr-inke and Der�s . Nays : None .
<br />7:30 P.M.
<br />I�q�t��
<br />Ei] CAVE & SONS
<br />RESOI�L7rI'ION
<br />NO. 6624
<br />.i ; : :+i .L Y.
<br />r.�� a,rassa
<br />STUf7Y
<br />