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Ar�rdRA SECTI0411: <br />-1 "_ 1. -. -1 ��.-f .. _ . �__ r IC' <br />..i;'�i �_) �1 � ii�l.�i�;� _.oiJ; S �-�.iJ <br />ETEiA �;0. _ I"rEM DESC�ikP-fi�[+3: <br />.f ' � aZ. <br />C* <br />������ � ��� ��������. �a�-������ �H �. <br />fl�icitiarlr�c L�PT./Qiv_: <br />I'��J'--LC .�������J <br />36" 4dATcR��AIi�f, PROJECT l�l-7E-3 <br />oe��-. �+���� aP��o�ra�. <br />� � �� <br />P•1!G�. REVIE�VcD/RFCOP/Ii41ERiDS: <br />Earlier �his spring, the cou�cil authoriz�d �n� public evQrks depar�r:�ent, througi� <br />the consul ti ng fi rm.of Bani ster, Short, E11 i ott, �ier�dri cfcsan and Rssoci ates , to <br />r�c�ive bids for tne con�tructi�n of a 36" re�ief watermain from the Shryer boos�er <br />�tati on to ti�e i n��rsect� on af Vi c�ori a and Parker. A1 so i ncl uded ��ras the cor�ole- <br />��on of the looping af the water syste�� or� VYCt�ria from Ras�lawn nortnerly to just <br />sauth of Parker, 4vi th a I2° mai n. <br />On June 7, 1976, bids w�re opened for this ti�ror[c and ten proposals �rer-e r�ceived as <br />shoti•1n on the a�tached bid tabu�ation st�eet. The bids called for eiiher ductile <br />iran pipe (Schedu�e A) or as an Alternate Prestressed Concrete Pipe (Sch�dt�le R). <br />Schedu�e C is the 12" waterr�ain -For �he 7aoping on 1lictoria Stre�t. Th� p�oposal <br />is for e�ther Schedule A or Schedule 8 to be combined witi� Schedule C to produce <br />a cornb#ned brd. R's can be s�en, the low bid ���as from Ausiin P. [�.eiler Gonstruc-- <br />�ian of St. Paul, in ihe anx�unt of �176,899.40. �his bid was r�ore than �16,OOa <br />under the r�ext �ati�est bid and �1�0,0�0 less than �he highest laidder. It shauld <br />also be noted �f�at it is considerably less than the engineer's es�imate for this <br />pr�3ect. T1iis means that the city is getting an extrem2��r favorable bid for this <br />ti�ro rEc . <br />The Austi n P_ Kel l er comapnay i s ar� oi d and establ i sh�d fi r�r� and has �,rorked i n <br />RosevilTe and otl�er'carunun�ti�s for sev�ral year. They hav� done.simii�r type� <br />of work recenily i n the Ci ty of �urns vi l l e an� Red ldi ng. Funds for ���e i�ar[c are <br />available thraugh the ►�rater aperating reserve fund and, unfortunately, the need <br />for this imnrovement has once again b�en der�onstrated �hrough the rec°nt require- <br />men� for tne enactment o'F a sprinkling ban. Tyis imFrovene�t, together with the . <br />enlargzment of ir�e pumping sta�io� this winter, will grea��y r�lieve th7s situaiion. <br />RECOP-tirl�idQE7 ACTIO�J: App�^oval of a motion dec�aring AustTn P. Keller Cans�ruct�on <br />of S�. Paul to be �he low bidder o� the instal�ation of a <br />3fi" watermai n and 12" tivaterr�ai n near Vi cto�ia Street, i d�n- <br />t�fzed as Project V�1-7�-3 �n the ama�nt of �176,399.4D. Lipan <br />proper com��eiion of the-nec�ssary contract -Forms ar�d Rro-- <br />visians; tne mayor and manager are authorized t� sign said <br />agr��men� for and benalf nf th� City of Ras�v�iie. <br />