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NSEETlNG <br />I'[E�.9P��s7� f �� 'Ls���LI� �9��I�N'� dATE:.����1�6 T <br />AGENDA SECTION: <br />REPORTS & R�C0��1h1�;dQA7I0f�S <br />=M NO.: <br />� —�� <br />c <br />ORlGINATING DEPT./DIV.: <br />PUBLIC flORKS <br />DEAT. HEAO ARPROVAL_ <br />t.� '' /�� <br />ITEM ��scR+PT�oN: �lA7ER �OQSTER STAiIOi� FXPA�VSIO��, MGR. REVfEWED/RECOMIvtENDS_ <br />�ao,�ECr r�-�b--� __.--��— <br />�ast tJovember, the cf iy recei ved a study of the Lva�er system from the consuTti ng <br />fi rm of Rani ster, Shart, �1 I i ott, Hendri cksan and Assoc. At that �im� , i t vaas <br />noted thai i n addi ti on to the constructi on nf a 3b" tr�ansmf ssi an mai r� the �vat�r <br />sys��m needed to hav� a pumping station ex�and�d and t�,�o large pumps ad�ed to provide <br />the necessary pUrnpi ng voi �me whi ch the ci ty at -�i mes requi r�d. Thi s z nformati an <br />was received and the following month, �t Vras tE�e determinatia� t�at �his improve- <br />ment was, indeed, necessary and tf�at the water r�serve funds be utilzze� io �und <br />the siatYOn expansion, as wel� as tne 30" transmission main. Last t�reefc we 6�ad an ex- <br />peri ence r�rhere we pumped aver 10 mi 1 I i on gal 7 ans eac� day for a ti�e�k and cuImi nated. <br />with i3.5 miilion galTons being pumped on �Iednesday. T��is extremely high usage <br />resulted in the czty being unable to match the pe�fc demands and a sprfnkling ban <br />was the only alternati�e. l�lith the constr�c�ion of ti�e enlarc�ed boost�r statior� <br />anci two 7,000 galion per mir�ute pumps, this ��ou7d nat have been necessary an� <br />t�ese improvem�nts wiil,in -Fact, provide adequate pumpinq faciiities to ��e city <br />for several years. <br />Since it v�Zll tak� up to 6 months for such larg� pumps to be de7ivered after the <br />contract is iet, it is desira;ble that the cit� move at this time ta �ake b�ds for <br />this wark sa iha� ail cor�struction can 6e comple�ed prior �o nex� y�ar`s heavy <br />use tim�, ihe cantract for this work couid run as much as �4�0,�00 and �nother <br />�30,000 ta �40,QQ0 4�i�� hav� �o be s�ent tn have Pl.S.P bring in a s�cond po���r <br />feed source, wf�� ch i s now mar�dated by 1 aU�. The wat2r reserve fund has funds <br />available fQr t�iis constructia�. <br />RECp��f1�i�D�D ACTIOi! : Appr�val of a resol uti on authori zi n� the ci ty� staff ta <br />adver� �or bi ds for expans7on of the ��a�er booster <br />s tatT on and i nc1 udi ng pur�ipi ng equi pr�ent , Praject �J-76-� , <br />tivi th bi ds to be recei ved at ti�e ci ty hal I on J uIy 9, <br />3 975. <br />