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i-Z��.'�%�SJ��,..J� ��� ���i'���� �i��3�� DA7r.:: ^?I�� IJb _ <br />C,G�P�QA SEC710N: OR!GI�iAiI:VG DcPT,�DIV_: <br />��PO�i S A�i� ��CO?�:•1��:�a-ii�ii5 PU�I.Ir t°:�, �S <br />�7��; •!p_ : tTEM DESCRkPTkOV: <br />�C_a�j PE��L[�7IO�d FO° ?EAPP�RYTa;1:1Ef��� Or ASSESS�f��iiS <br />D�PT. H�AO �PFP,O`iA�. <br />�i V.= l ;� <br />?,1GR_ P.�VI�'NEd/P.�CQ�+I�AEN�S: <br />��UC.� <br />il�e Ra���sey Coun�y Depar�r�en� o� Proper�y 7Gxa�ion has re�{ue���d t��e City <br />to anoorti on ��� assessnen�s for t'rte di v3 si on of �iie fa� la�ri ng parc�ls a � <br />land anc� i�prov�r�ents levie�: <br />DIV . N� . 50842 <br />Divi.sian of this lo� at 929 Transit Ave. was approved by counc�.l I2/8/75 <br />°Reapportianmenti of sani.tary se�,rer and watermain assessn�ents are now <br />tnade on these ce��i.fied balances to the County aud the additional ur�- <br />assessed amaunts due being 1�eld by the ciCy, pend�ng deveiogment o£ the <br />lots. <br />D�Vo N0. 503Q0 <br />Apgroximately 13' af back yard (east si�de) of proper�y at 302/� Fairview <br />was deeded to �Q25 Wheeler St., which resuZted in x�a change on the assess- <br />ments on frontage. <br />DIV. N0. S09I2 <br />The apportionm�nt af assessments is requested for partions of Sta�e Farm <br />Road easement acquired by the czty' for coas trurtion of same. <br />D�V. 50921 . <br />Apportioncnent of assesszn�n�s is requested for a parce% of pxa�erty•�hat <br />has been divi"ded dae to the construc�iot� of Aglen St. These two parcels <br />wi.].I recexve equal. af al�. assess�ents �evied. One 10t �S dt <br />2801 Aglen St. and ti-�e other is across the street. <br />DIV: ���0. -50636 <br />The divis�an of a double bungalow vras approved for harrEestead use anly ��! . <br />t}�e county and as thz owners di d not pay u� tl�e assessments on tF�i s parc�l , <br />ti�is reapportianment of assessmen�s is requ�red for 1G1Z � i514 Sk�llman <br />Ave. <br />F;�C�.�t;•1E:�f��J �CTI�t�= �idop-t a reso� �+ i on for ao�ortion�^ent af ass�s��:ents <br />or� th� reques}ed di�lis�on a� �ra��r��es ��r Rars�y <br />C�!an��. <br />