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--6046 <br />6047 <br />6048 <br />6049 <br />6050 <br />6051 <br />6052 <br />6453 <br />60�4 <br />6�55 <br />6056 <br />fi057 <br />6058 <br />6059 <br />6060 <br />6061 <br />6062 <br />6063 <br />6064 <br />6065 <br />6066 <br />6067 <br />fi068 <br />6Q59 <br />607� <br />5071 <br />b072 <br />b073 <br />6074 <br />6Q75 <br />607b <br />6�77 <br />6Q78 <br />COUNCIL SILLS - L - b714/7b <br />�d. Phillips and Sans Co. <br />Old Peoria Company, Inc. <br />McKesson Wine and Spirits Co. <br />Johnson Brothers Wholesa�e Liquor Ca. <br />Grigg�, Cooper and Co., Inc. <br />7win City Wine Cn. <br />Famous Brands, In�. <br />QuaZity Wine Co. <br />Har Mar Mal� <br />Commissioner of Revenue <br />Northern States Power Campany <br />Famous BrandS, Inc. <br />Ed. Pi�ill�ps and Sons Ca. <br />01d Peoria Company, Inc. <br />,]ahnsan Brothers Wholesale Liquor Co. <br />�riggs, Cfloper and Co., Inc. <br />Twin C�ty l�ine Co. <br />Quality Wine Co. <br />Distiliers Distributing Co. <br />Alec Parkin <br />City of Roseville General Fund <br />Northwestern Be17 Te�ephone Co. <br />Mutua7 Senefit l.ife <br />Ed. Phillips and Sons Co. <br />Care Corporation <br />Har Mar Ma17 <br />La Rose Corporation <br />Distillers Distributing Co. <br />Mcl�esson Wine and Spirits Co. <br />Ed. Philiips and Sons Co. <br />Grigg, Coaper and Co., Tnc. <br />Famous Srands, Inc. <br />George M. Hansen Co. <br />5%21 <br />5/2i <br />5/21 <br />5/21 <br />5/21 <br />5/ 21 <br />5/21 <br />5/21 <br />5/21 <br />5/25 <br />5/27 <br />5f 27 <br />5/27 <br />5�27 <br />5/27 <br />5/27 <br />5/27 <br />5/27 <br />5/27 <br />5/28 <br />5/28 <br />5/28 <br />6/7 <br />6/2 <br />6/2 <br />6/ 2 <br />6/2 <br />6/7 <br />6/7 <br />6/7 <br />6/7 <br />6/7 <br />b/7 <br />5;05�.b1 <br />1,577.66 <br />2,349.90 <br />1,666.25 <br />2;913.17 <br />747.14 <br />1,140.46 <br />816.39 <br />35�.Q8 <br />3,033.64 <br />728.54 <br />1,$14.65 <br />995.55 <br />fi6.45 <br />383.29 <br />2,391.56 <br />357.52 <br />823.82 <br />1,576.33 <br />75.00 <br />10,848.74 <br />128.07 <br />54.08 <br />3,272.5� <br />455.59 <br />496.73 <br />1,049.57 <br />204.59 <br />, . ;:661. 86 <br />1,318.60 <br />7 , 63Z . 59 <br />2,641.87 <br />1,800.OQ <br />