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CTTY OF ROST�VILLE <br />Special 1�Ieeting of the City Council - rlay Z7, 1976. <br />The City CoLmcil met on the above date �aith the follotving <br />members present: P•�ayor Demos, Counczlmen Anderson, Curley, <br />Grauel and Hess. <br />E-1 Hess Moved, Curiey Seconded, �hat the request af Robert <br />Har�rna�. for minor variance ta side yard setback at 2939 <br />Asbury� Avenue be approved. RaI]. Call, Ayes: Andsrson, <br />Curley, Grauel, Hess ancl Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-2 �urley A'loved, Anderson Secanded, �hat Resolutian No. 638� <br />au�horizing the Mayor and hlanag�r to enter �nto an aaxee- <br />m.ent wi�h. Hotivard Dahl.gxen Associates to prepare an environ- <br />�r,e�.tal assessment an th� PIK Terminal propexty, in accord-- <br />ance ��rith the EQC letter received Ma� 18, 1976, be adopted. <br />RoII Call, Ayes: And.erson, CuxJ�ey, Grauel, Hess and Demos. <br />Nays: None. <br />7:00 P.I�i. <br />ROBERT H.AP.'I1�iAN <br />M�NOR VARIANCE <br />RESOLUTZON <br />N0, 6380 <br />C�irley Moved, Anderson Seconded, �o defer action on the IRTDUSI'RTAi. <br />a�alys�s of the ather undeveloped industrzal pmperty until PROPERTY <br />th� starm ��rater study is comp3.eted and can be interpxeted <br />wi�h the review of the plan. Ro11 Call, <br />A��s: .Andersan, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: <br />h'one . <br />E-4 t�urley Moved, �rauei Seconded, that Canadian Financial <br />Cc3i-pora�ian.'s rec{uest �o reconsider their applica�ion for <br />sp��cial use permit be approved a,*�d that a public �ear�ng <br />be established fox Ji.u�e 1�, 1976, and �hat notices of the <br />public hearing be mailed; and that �he applicant pay an <br /> �15� £ee. Ro11 ca�l, Ayes: Andexson, Cuxley, <br />Gxauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: I�one. <br />I-]. C�ar.Iey I�toved, Grauel Seco�de�, that the meeting be adjourn.ed <br />a� $:40 P.M, Rall Ca].1, Ayes: �lnd.ersan, Cuxley, Grauel, <br />He�s and Demas. Nays: none. <br />ATTESI' : <br />Manager <br />i � <br />yar <br />GANADIAN <br />FTNANCIAL <br />COR��RATIO�' <br />� 1 � 1: ►I 1�►� <br />