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AGENpQ SECTIpN; <br />������T �aR cou�ci� �c�j�� <br />ORiGliVATING DEPT./�IV.: <br />R�ports F� Reca�nendations Adm <br />17EM n�o.: ir�M DESCRIPTION� ����.� M.agner request for minor variance to <br />�+ �� front yard setback at 394 NlcCarrflns B1vcl. <br />MEETING <br />onr�: 6-24- 7b <br />DEPT,H�AD AP ROVA�. <br />MGft. REVlEWEO/RECQMMENOS: <br />_-_ ...���`, _ <br />The Roseville Minar Variance Baard at its June 3, meet�ng conszdered l�ir. Mag�er's <br />request far minor variance at 394 McCarrons Baulevard. At �he meeting l��r. Magner <br />�ndicated. tha� he was requesting a variance which would pexmi� the construction o£ <br />a home to within 2U fee� of �the fro�t yaxd prapex-ty 1ine. The variance iJas being <br />xequested because of the ocid shap� of tiie 1ot anci th� extreme grad,e dif�erence between <br />�he £rant and rear of the lot. A� the meeting �Zr. Grandel, 408 �1ernJOOd. Avenue, <br />expressed concern that by permit��n.g Mr. Ma.gner �ko build his home 1Q' closer tar the <br />proper�y Iine �hat his vxew might be obstruc�ed. He stated he wouZd have no objeetion. <br />to the variance if Mr. Magner cou].d show him that the corner of the hause would no� <br />block his vis�on. Mr. Magner indicated that he did not feel he could prov� this and, <br />therefore, he requested that his applicatiorz for minQr variance be wi�Chdrawn. He <br />stated �hat he would submit an appl�.cation for 3�uilding pexm�t based an maintaining <br />�he requi,red 3D' setback. <br />The hSinor Vaxiance Baard xecommend�d that Mr. I��a.gner's rec�uest to withdra�,� his <br />application for xninor variance to front yard setback at 394 A%Carxons Boulevard <br />be approv�d. <br />Council Action Requested: N�tion approving l�ir. Richard. Magner`s request ta <br />withdraw his application for minar variance tq front <br />yard setback at 394 McCarxons Boulevard <br />