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MEE�ING 6���'7� <br />iTl�VI��S 1 rOf� G�J�itlCI� ��o ! 1�� DATE: <br />AGENDA SECTEON: ORIGtiVATlNG DEP7:/DIV_: <br />Reparts � Recommenci.ations Adm <br />i <br />��n NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTION� pZ��ng Co�ni.ssian Referral.s <br />�--�4 <br />QEF*i. HEA�PROVAL. <br />MGR. REVIEWE�/RECOAAMENDS: <br />--�`�-'L = <br />The following applications may be re£erred to the Ju1y 7, Planning Commission rr►eeting. <br />1. Tilsen Homes, Inc. request �or rlivisa.on of Iot at 2825 Ag�en. The aivision �;auld <br />create two singl� far►�ily home lots. <br />2. Rasetivood Village Apartments request �or amended special use permit a�k I690 �1Test <br />Highway 36. The amendment wotzld permi� the conversion o£ an existing parking area <br />inta two �ennis courts. ('I'he applicant is also requesting tha� the Catmci� puhlic <br />hearing be established for July 12� <br />3. Winchells Donu� Hause request for special use permit at 1215 Larpenteur Avenue. The <br />special use per�nit is for a doughnut shflp on �he northEast corner of Fernwood and <br />Largenteur Avenue. This is the same site for iJhich a Red Barn had px�eviously been <br />approved. (The applicarrt has requested that �he Cotu�cil hearing be establzshecl for <br />July 12 ) . <br />4. �vex�.and Express Inc, reQuest for special use perina.t at 2755 I,ong Lake Road. <br />Q�rerland Express proposes �o utilize the bu�lding formerly occupied by the �Ninnebago <br />Corjpany. Mr. Dahlgren has reviewed �heir exxsting opexation in New Brighton and has <br />dete�nined tha� they sha�d apply for thi.s s�ecial use as a garage repair in a S=3 <br />zaning district. (`I'he applicant ha.s requested that the Counc�l public hearing be <br />established £or July 12}, <br />5. MATT Properties, Inc. request for rezaning from I-1 to I--2 and special use pex�►�it at <br />I92p West Co�ty Road C. MATT �roperties (Jim Trapp) �.s requesting the rezonin,g and <br />special use pex�mzt far a tx�.�k rental opera�zon. <br />6. Niemec and Burrow request for rezaning from R-1 to B�1 and B-2 at.2381 Rice Street. <br />The proposal is fox a office-reta�.1 building at_the northwest corner of �randview <br />and Rice Street. <br />7. Audio King, �nc, request for division of lot and variance to se�bacl�s an�. parking at <br />1723 Co. Rd. B-2� The proposa�. is for a retail building ta be lacated west <br />o� the new Firs� Fsderal an CoLmty Road B-2. <br />8. Noxmar�ale Tennis Clubs, Inc, request for special use permit £ar planned unit develop- <br />naent in. shopping center zane and £or construction o� a private racket an� s-�,�im club <br />zn a R-]. zaning di.stxxct and var�ance ta seibacks an.d �.o�C crnrerag� at 1707 Counfiy <br />Raad B-2. The proposal is for �va buildings, one of which wauld be a restaurant, the <br />other would inc]�ude the racket ba11, tennis courts, swi�rntting pool and retail shops. <br />Counc�l Action Request�d: Motzon referr�ng the al�ove applzcations to the Planning <br />Cflmmission meeting of July 7, 1976. (and if �he CoLmcil <br />agrees, establish t�e Gatmci�. public hearings an �u1y 12 <br />fox those applicants making �the rec{ues�}. <br />