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_. ( <br />r- <br />►�.r a ► Jp��i d� �. ����i,�� <br />� �r <br />Real Estate A�i�ra�sads <br />I� i Mianesota B�:ilding - S�. Paut, Minaesota 5510I - 224-2002 <br />MEMBER . <br />w�� Si. Peul Board of Rcal�on <br />�' y �-�rf�4 American InsfiYule of [taal Estete Appraesers <br />��� a} �.�.4�.r, Socieiy of Real Esia�e Appraisan <br />'j'�-� ��.�. Apri.l 5, .I 976 <br />�� <br />.�� <br />,�= <br />� C� <br />L� <br />Roselawn Cemetery Association <br />cf o C�app-Thomssen Company <br />Comsnerce Bui�d"xng <br />St. Pau.l, Minnesota #55101 <br />A�t; IVIr. W. D. Clapp <br />5ecretary-Treasurer <br />Re: Roseville, Min.nesota <br />Water Iznprovemen� 7b-3 & � <br />Gentlernen: <br />As yau l:now, the Ci�y o.f Rosevi.11e is desirous of acquiri�?- a <br />30-�oot pe�manent easement.along the north and east bo�z:�daries <br />of Roselawn. Ceme-�ery tivith a texxiporary 20-£00� ease�r-_4 to <br />exp.ire December 31, 197b. <br />Jn additi.ain, it has �een dei:ermir�ed �hat the Ci�y o� Ros�uille <br />will also acquire a permanent ease�nent over the triangular <br />0. 44 acxes 3.ocated in the extxeme naxthe�st �corner of the <br />cemE�ery. This area is beyond the dia�onai line and 'zs at ihe <br />base oi a high biuff and estimated to be �vQ-thirds under wa�er, <br />Th� �ity �f Roseville req�sires a 30-foot se�back �rom �'sze <br />extexi.or boundaries a� the subjec� pro�erLy, which eii_minaiss <br />the use of thxs area Lor grave sites. <br />ConsisLent with past pality zvhere an eas�xnen� is Eor <br />utilities �vi�hiti a se�back area, so-rn�e�i�in� �ess th�n �he ��lu� <br />of the £ee has been established as �he measure o� dama�e <br />because the are�. �,vathin the easement can sti1l be used �or <br />3e.nsity, setback and other �cequire�a�er��s esser�tial io pro�::r <br />development of a given site �r tzact, The o�vner oE the �;-opertj <br />has a ribht to use the sur�ace �ox any use nat inconsis�ent tiva�h <br />the right of the CiLy af $oseville to install, ��ain�ain, anci o�era�e <br />