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� ���� � BETTE1�flQ��APPRAI,�A1S,1�JC. <br />� F- <br />�' <br />Roselawn Cex3netery Association <br />1�age Three. <br />In the ever�.t probiems arise i� �he all.ocatio� of damages, z� <br />would be appreciated if a waiver of trespass w�re gxanted to <br />the City of Roaevi].le so that the installation catx iae accomplzshed <br />during the cur�ent consiruction season which is upot�z us at <br />time. They are anxious to procesd �his insial.Iation. <br />I am prepared io recommend fhe above figures fo the City of <br />RoseviJ.J.e for their consideration. <br />5hould you have any questions cancerning any of the �oregoing, ` <br />piease do nof hesi.ta�e to con;act the urzde,rsigrzed. <br />V�ry tr Zy yflurs, <br />�� � r �. <br />� � ��� <br />. L. Bettendor� �A.I. <br />.�� <br />