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, .., . . . ,.�;- <br />EASE�IEN'P �lO. <br />aur �'ilA 1`io. t-,6-1�.� <br />s,.' <br />Tf?.iS IivDEi3TURE, !�iade this , day of �'• r'�'f-C!' , 7-9 ,%� bY and <br />between Rose].at�n Ceme�ery, a non-profit eorporation, of tYte County o� �P.a.rt�sey, <br />State af P�iinnesota, of the first part, and the C��'Y OF ROSEV�LLE, <br />Ramsey County, r�i.nnesota, a murzi.c�.pal corporation, party of th�� second partr <br />WITNESSETH: That i.n consideration of the sum of $1I,926.00 in hand pazd by <br />the said party of the second part, the xeceipt wherEO� is herebY ackno�r�edged by the <br />parties of �e firs� part,sazd parties of the first part do hereby give and gzant <br />unto par-�y of the second part, its successors and assigns a perpetual. easempnt foz <br />underqround uti3.itY mains, piPes and appurtenances under and across the fol�owing <br />descri.bed prop�rty i.n Ramsey County, Minnesota: <br />A 3Q foot perpetual easement far the purpose of constructzon, operatz.on anc� <br />�aintenancz of a watexzflain�eiy 8�eet ta 1� feet deep, and a 20 <br />foqt temporary constructi.Qn easement over, under and across that paxt of the <br />Roselawn Cemetery �roperty described as fallows: <br />The South 1/2 of the South 1./2 of the I�orthwest J./� of the Nor4heast <br />1/4 and �he North l./2 of �he Southwest 1/4 of the Noz�heast 1/9;, a�3. <br />in Sec�ian 1.4, Township 29, Range 23, Rosevi7.].e, Ramsey County. <br />Mi,nnesota, Subject to any existing easement by reason of gublic or <br />private roads oz Rights o� Way along or across said prem:�ses. Said <br />property hexeinafter described as "Roselawn Ceme�.ery p�operty". <br />Tne center3.zne af said 30 foot perpetual easer=ient described. as beginning' a� <br />the Sou�hwest corner of Lot 7, Block 9, 3ames Third Additian, accord�ng to <br />the recozdad plat thereof, Rarc3sey Cotuity, t�li.nnesota; thence Northwesterly to <br />the Sauthwest cornez a£ Lo-� 10, Bl.ock 1, Rosedale Terrace, according ta the <br />recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and said centeriine there <br />terminatinq. and said ease�ent hereinafter describad as Easement "A". The <br />side lines of said Easer�en.� "A" •are �.a be prolonged or shor-tened to termi.nate <br />on the North and East lines of saic3 "Roselawn Cemetery prop°r�Y"- <br />Together with a perpetual easement for the purpose af cons�ruction, C_P°rc�tldi! <br />and maintenance o� a watarmain�ely 8 feet to J.Q feet deep, describ�d <br />as the Narth 30 feet af said "Roselawn Cemetery property", iyinq �.�s4er7y of <br />Saa,d. Ea�ement "A" . <br />fiogethex' with a perpetual easemen�.for the pu�pose o� construction, apex'a�ion <br />and maintenance of a waterm3in approximately 8 teet to 10 feet deep, described <br />as the East 34 f�et ot said "Roselawn Cemetery progerty", ZYing South af <br />�asemant '�A'� and lya.n� North af t.�. 4v'es�.erl� ex'�ens�o� of a].i: � b�i�, Il5 feE�. <br />South of and draam par.allel �•ri�h the North ii.r.e cf Lat 4, Block 2, Ho�fman's <br />Gazdan �'racts, accor3ing to the record�d plat thereaf, Ramsey Coeinty, I�Iinnesota. <br />The said pexpetual easemen�.s contain 1.?.5 acresj more or less. <br />Togethex with a 20 foat �emporary easement described as I.ying Southe�ly, <br />•Southaresterly, and Westerly ot and adjoining the said aforementioned perpe- <br />tua1. easai�°nts. Said temparary easement to expire D°cem.ber 31, 1976. Tne <br />said tersporaxy easem°nt contains 0.85 acres, more or less. <br />and <br />A perpetual.eas°m�nt �or the purpose of construction, operation ar�. naz.ntenanc� <br />of a watexaaain over, under and acrass that p�rt o� the Raselaw.3 Ce�°tary pro- <br />��r�.y desctibed as fallo���s: <br />�Tr:� 5autki i/2 0� the Sou�.h lj2 of the Northwest Z/4 af t�� Narti:eas� <br />Z/4 and the rior th 1/2 of the Southw°s t 1/4 of �l�e �orthc�s L 1/4 , a13- <br />i.n Section 14, Township ?.9, Range 23, Roseville, Ramsey County, <br />2�fannesota. Subject to any exis�zng ease�nent by reason of pubI.ic os <br />pravate raads ax Rict��s o� t��ay alor.�7 or across sai�I pre:�tises. Saic� <br />,� <br />pzopert�� hereir�af ter describ�cl as <br />"Ras�l�.�vn Cerae�ery �ro��rty . <br />Saz3 nerpetual easern�nt lying i�ort'r?�ast�xly of a lizsc draEVn �araZ1�I_;S`tc.�Gna{_ <br />1C� f���._?�'. TMiqit'.��P�3:�i�:F?r]�/ p� r3 !.1.C?F• c�^�CYl_'li�.��� �"1� };°(7�,..nTl.l,lll� ri�. �:li Cr,l,:^-.. <br />c,f Lot 7, B.locn 9, ,7ames Tnird^Adclita.ori, accord�ny �o th�a recar����. p���t tY��ereof, <br />Rai:�sej County, Mi,nn�so�a; thence Y�orth.,�e�tezly to ih�• Southwest carnex' o£ La*- 1C, <br />1 Rosedale Terraec� i dCCOAC�IT1� t.0 t!1E.' X2CO2'�.'�+cC� �Zc�'t' tl'_2re0i � �t�3.:�Sc'i 4vUtlt�7� <br />$��CiC � <br />i1}.riI1�50t3� �:tG'� said 1.lYt? �lc��= �°Y'CAII1�3�13'lj• <br />Tiie s�ici pern�.n°_nt ea��ment centains fl.44 acresR ar iess. <br />E::t;:�i�l FRO��I S�rATE D� :D ^sAX � <br />