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AGENDA SECTiQN : <br />f{�=,� `'.T`� �1;J�� f;LCt�11�9Et\J��-f I:1il� <br />I7EM tV0 � ITEM DESCRlP7i0iV' <br />MEETING JUR� 3O, i9%� <br />�'yd:.���.�� �r�� ��������,.. ���i��� dnr�:-- � . _.�.� <br />ORIGl3VATlNG DEPT./DIV.: <br />Pt1�!_IC :iv;-',i:5 <br />- ' Land Surv�yors Certificate of Correctian <br />�-� to Plat, Korral Shores Add�iion <br />e <br />QEPi_ ttEAD APPROVA�_ <br />. ' ;��� 1C�. <br />MGR. REVIEV�IED/F2ECp�N�,AENpS: <br />��� <br />The �xaminer of Titles has found the plat "Korro1 Shores Addi�ion" to be <br />defeciive and action shouid be talcen by the councii to rectify the matter, <br />When the Korrol Shores Addition was origiona�ly platt�d, ihe legal used in <br />describing the p1at used a starting point iocated on the la�Ceshore of Lalce <br />Owasso. Sinee ihis paint can fluctuate, the p3at 7ega1 should be corrected <br />so it has as a more definable s�arting point. <br />� be accomplished by adoptiny the fol7owing sugges�ed motion. <br />Thi s acti on wi 11 r�o� ct�ange the boundries of ei ther the pl at or lots in t}ie - <br />plat. . . <br />RECOMt��iVD£D COl�ICII, RCTIO[�: <br />Pass a. motian= that the P�ayar and Manager be author�zed and directed <br />�io sign on-�behaif of.the C-ity o� Roseville the Land Surveyors Certificate <br />of Gorre ctjon ta the Plat'named Korrol Shares Addition and further the <br />hiayor anc# P�fanager are in�tructed to sign an Assent ta Registration � <br />. proceedings in Ramsey Coun�y Court File No. 11932. <br />c <br />� <br />� <br />